Email Marketing

What is Push and Pull? Which is Best?

“I worked really hard Building a Website and I cannot get anyone to visit it. What am I doing wrong?” Asked my friend.

My response, “I visited your site, it is a great looking site. Do you have an Email Autoresponder program? I use TrafficWave (TW).”

I think he needs to do 2 things.

  1. Keep his website but add a blog. Make it one of his menu items.
  2. Build email campaigns that would educate prospects and consistently point them to the website/blog.

By adding a blog tab to your site so you can consistently provide value content. On your “Contact Us” or “About Us” page use the TW API service Zappier to add people who provide contact information into your email list in TW. Or in what ever Service you may already use.

A website is PULL meaning people have to be convinced to go visit it.

Email is PUSH meaning prospects receive consistent engagement with you because you are pushing info to them.

It is best when they work together. You push consistent content and when they want to learn more they are pulled to your website/blog.

If you use just pull (a Website) then 99% of prospects will visit it once in their life and all they will see is your home page. Don’t believe me, check your website stats.

If you use just push (Email) your emails will be too long, or all ads and prospects will delete you.

Use both, emails can be short enticing, valuable and do not even need an ad because they will see the ad on your site. The prospect gets to know and appreciate you. The prospect has an interest and goes to the website to learn more. For every ten emails the prospect visits your website 1 time, this an average of 2 to 3 times a month, not once in their life. And based on the email content you send them to different pages on your site that support the email content, thus the value of adding a blog to your website.

This results in several things.

  1. The prospect is getting to know you.
  2. You develop authority in your field.
  3. Your prospect goes to your website again and again.
  4. More pages of your website are being viewed.
  5. Sales can be contextualized (**see below).
  6. More Sales and Sign ups.
  7. And a hidden benefit is those who like your content, and use it will share it. More visitors.

**Contextualized Ads – meaning the people that visit that page for the content on that page receive ads related to their interest in that content. An example. A home page I saw has Flexxity ads right at the top. Flexxity is an audience of 11 million for people who have a service to offer.

Probably less than 10% of the people visiting the page have a service they are promoting. So 90% of the people will have no interest in Flexxity. The 10% who do, don’t know what it is and will likely ignore the ads.

Now suppose you have a list of prospects getting your email. You send out an email about the importance of building a social media audience and how it is done… (see mine). People with services to offer would be interested in this content, that is where you want your Flexxity ads.

Make sense? Your thoughts.

Email Marketing

How To Write Good Ad Copy

If you really want to get good results, you are going to want to learn how to write good ad copy. The good news is that you can quickly learn this skill and beef up your business results.

First, let’s look at why it is important that you learn how to write good ad copy. Think of advertising like dating. If you’re married, think back to what that time was like for you. If your goal was to get married, you didn’t walk up to a stranger and say, “Hey … do you want to get married to me?”

Seems obvious, right? But so many entrepreneur hopefuls and affiliate marketers seem to be taking this approach with a “Hey! Buy My Stuff!” or “I think you’ll really like this.” Is that a good approach to writing ad copy.

Then you get absolutely terrible results and you give up, or you blame the company, the offer, the product, the internet. But what if you made a change? What if you would learn how to write good ad copy, your results would dramatically improve.

I want to introduce you to AIDA. Who or What is AIDA, you ask? This is the way proven ad copy writers around the world make sure their ad copy is on point. Let’s break it down:

A – Attention. You need to grab your prospect’s attention. And it can’t be you just yelling “buy my stuff” or “join now”. If your ad copy doesn’t grab their attention, you’re sunk. Good ways to capture a prospect’s attention include asking a question, making a statement that shocks them, offering to help solve a problem. You may need to play with this one a bit.

I – Interest. Does your offer even interest your prospects? If they aren’t at least interested in the solution you have, you’re not going to get anywhere. Your ad copy needs to generate interest from your potential client. Maybe a success story would come in handy here. Maybe a story about how you can help solve a problem. Maybe a review from another client or customer. Like capturing attention, play with your ad copy for best results.

D – Desire. Your ad copy needs to feed in to the desire of your prospect. At this point they are still looking at your ad because you have captured their attention, they have an interest. Now feed their desire. They are asking (in their minds), “What’s in it for me?” Answer that question and you’re one step closer to getting the deal done.

A – Action. This is your Call To Action step. Tell your customer EXACTLY what to do to learn more, get the info, or sign up.

The AIDA approach has been proven over the years. It’s also a good approach to use for writing your follow up letters. Constantly show your prospects how you can help them solve a problem and you will begin to experience results.

It’s worth the time to check your current ad copy, letters, etc… to see what can be tweaked. I have changed a single word in on of my capture forms and I saw my results skyrocket.

I made this tiny small change by doing A/B Testing on my email content.

Don’t quit, Learn. We Are Here To Help.

Email Marketing

Ideas to Win-Back Lost Readers

Have you thought about using win-back emails to bring customers and subscribers back? Things change. Your subscribers and customers get busy. They stop opening your emails and they aren’t clicking your links. Things used to be going so well. How do you get them back in action?

It may be as simple as making a change in your subject line. Maybe you can change the content order around in your messages. Your subscribers were interested in your information. They filled out your form and even clicked a confirmation link to verify that they wanted to see what you have to offer. Don’t just let their inactivity take them away.

It may be time to send a win-back email. According to a study by Salesforce, 63% of marketers surveyed said that re-engagement campaigns are “very effective.” And a study by Return Path found that 45% of recipients who received win-back emails read subsequent messages.

By sending your inactive subscribers a win-back email, you will be able to see who is still interested in your offer. You may even generate some immediate sales. I’ve seen inactive subscribers re-engage, thank me for the reminder, and decide to order from me.

Here are some ideas you might use to see if you can win back some subscribers and customers with your TrafficWave Email Marketing Campaign

1. Make them an offer they can’t refuse. 

Maybe you can offer a discount, such as a buy 1 get 1 free offer. Maybe offer free shipping.

2. Let them know you’re thinking about them.

Sometimes, it helps to just remind your subscribers that they are on your list and that you are still interested in helping them. Recently, we sent out a broadcast to everyone who hadn’t opened a message or clicked a link in the past 90 days in our 30 Minute List Building Challenge campaign. The message was just a reminder that they had asked for the information and that we were still interested in helping them get started with email marketing. We got replies back asking questions. We got new orders. We got a few “thank you” messages with a commitment to get back to us. That’s a win-win from a win-back email!

3. Clear up any confusion. 

Your message may be fine. Your subject line may be fine. It just might be getting lost in the Gmail Promotion tab. A major retailer was able to re-engage a number of their gmail subscribers by sending this message:

You Love GMail, so do we. But some changes may have landed your emails from us in your promotions tab.

Let’s Get Back Together

Simple Fix: Drag this email into your Primary Tab – Fixed, Done. Thank you.

They closed out with an offer of free shipping on the next purchase.

If you get creative, you can re-engage your subscribers and customers and that brings life (and revenue) in to your business.

Your TrafficWave email marketing account helps you find out who is engaged and who may need a re-engagement email message. The stats of one of my campaigns showed the Subscriber base growing and the open rate shrinking.

For example, I had 100 subscribers and a 87% open rate. 200 Subscribers and 43% open rate, and then 400 subscribers and a 21% open rate…. Whats Going On?

I thought maybe I had a static number of loyal customers say about 80 That opened all the time. So I went into my TrafficWave campaign and looked at the stats. This is what I found.

Every new subscriber opened email number 1. Then most 80 to 90 % opened 2, same on email 3, same on email 4. But hardly anyone opened email 5, 6, and so on. I thought email 5 has a bad subject lie maybe? So I went to look at the individual emails.

That is when I saw email 1-3 were about 90% value and 10% ads, but email 4 was just one big ad. And that turned off a lot of people. I removed that email and sent a Win-Back email to my audience.

The subject line was “Forgive Me, I provided no value” The body started with, “I sent you a zero value, 100 percent ads, email. I am sorry. I know you requested my emails because of what you could learn. It will not happen again.”

I then provided them a little bit more of what they originally came for. I won back many of my lost prospects and my open rates have strengthen significantly. I had abused my list and I had lost their attention. Respecting them has led to many more opens and consistent sales.

Using the tools in TrafficWave I was able to identify the problem and email only those who had stopped opening emails. Love it.

What are some of the most effective win-back emails you have sent or received? Let me know just reply to this email.

Email Marketing

Email – Would a Short Video Help?

What if I could show you a quick overview of how other businesses are using the TrafficWave system to generate leads, follow up, and drive sales?

YouTube Video: Who? How? Why Use Email Marketing

I Just made a Sale. A good one. 

I sell Thai Food Online. I have a Facebook Group called I Love Thai Food. I have over 100,000 in that private group. With them I share Recipes. Here is one, Chicken Feet! Below is a screen shot, see my List Building form? Top Right Corner. 

Thai Food Recipe Screen Shot

With these recipes I am promoting a weekly Recipe Newsletter. I also promote 1 or 2 of my products right on the page.

Some people buy “one off” from my recipes posted on Facebook. But you know how a newsfeed works. Will they see my next recipe post? Or maybe they do not return to the group for a week or more? If they join my newsletter I am able to consistently put my products in front of them.

The sale I made today came from this newsletter and it was a Huge Order. More importantly I see orders everyday. Consistent engagement takes the “one off”, chance sale and turns it into a reveue stream. This results on a reliable income. 

No matter what your business you need to be doing email marketing to succeed and make a consistent and reliable income.

Building a Better Future Today.

Email Marketing

Trying to Find the Invisible Buyer

Are your prospects invisible? If so how will you find them?

Or are you/your products invisible to the Buyer? If so why would they purchase?

The hardest thing for most of us is we cannot see our prospects. If we cannot see them I am sure they do not see us. You know exactly what I mean. Just ask yourself how many 100s of ads do you ignore everyday?

We are so excited. We put together our first ad copy, our first ad graphics and we throw it out there. And we wait, sure we’ll make a sale. But nothing happens our ad is invisible. You know why?

Because we did not give it to someone, we ‘threw it out there”. we think if we throw it in front of 100,000 people I am sure to make a sale. Or maybe 100,000 people ignore it. Might as well of thrown it out into the wide blue ocean, it sinks straight to the bottom never to be seen.

Instead of “throwing it out there” you need to talk with someone. You need to communicate with a person. You need to know that person and that person needs to know you. The very best thing you can do to increase sales is to increase the number of people you know, who know you and you are communicating.

As you come to know, like and trust each other, you learn how you might help this person. This person sees you as someone who might help them. and a transaction can occur.

This is why I spend so much time building my subscriber list. Through Social Media (Facebook Groups) and my email program. Through these communication channels we get to know one another.

Two Examples:
Social Media Post on Butterfly Pea Tea. I mentioned this Tea in a recipe (I do not sell it). One person checked out the benefits, shared them and asked, “Where can I buy this?” Bingo. This prospect is no longer invisible. I see him. I reply, “I know a farm locally that grows/makes this. I will see if I can get some to list in my store.” He sees me. and 3 others “watching” joined in and said, I want some too.

Email Subscriber List – I have a email course on how to market using email. One subscriber wrote me and said, “I do not have a list, but I want to build one. I just have one question, where would I find real products I can sell to that list?” Bingo. My reply SFI Affiliate Marketig. Real products from Household Cleaner to Toothpaste. From Games to Auctions. From Cooking classes to Copy Writing. SFI has whatever your prospect needs.

See your prospect and be seen by them.

Email Marketing

What does it Take to Get Results?

Every Affiliate I talk to tells me they want to make money. Makes sense. When I talk to my Top Affiliates in TrafficWave and in SFI, they say the same thing, they want results. When I talk to a brand new Affiliate, you got it, they want results.

We all want results in our affiliate marketing efforts. The key is in learning how to consistently create results. That word: “create” is a very important word. Successful business people know that success isn’t “found”. It is not the result of luck. It is created by the action steps we take on a consistent basis.

Here are 3 essential steps I believe every one of us should be taking if we want to create affiliate marketing results in our businesses. These are the things I am doing on a consistent basis, myself.

1) Training My Mind. Skip this step and none of the other steps will matter. If you want success, you absolutely MUST get your mind straight. How do I do this?

I attend online and offline training events to increase my knowledge of email marketing, affiliate marketing, and list building as well as overall business and success principles.

I read books by and about other successful people. It’s all about getting my mind in line with the way other successful people think.

I engage with like minded people who both benefit and contribute to my personal journey.

There will be tough times. There will be distractions. Life gets busy and things happen. There will be setbacks. Some of the people you thought were going to run with you never take action. Or they quit. There will be the naysayer who slanders your business and business pursuits. I have had them all. You will too.

This is why I MUST train My mind to stay focused on My goals and the processes that will get me there. Without this step, the following 2 steps will not matter. Why? Because that previous paragraph is true.

How do you spot someone with a mind trained for success? They aren’t complaining. They aren’t jumping from one program to another. They aren’t making excuses. They are attending webinars. They are reading personal development books. They are constantly learning and contributing.

2) List Building. Affiliate marketing results depend on list building. I know this is a broken record repeating the same thing over and pver, but it is TRUE.

I use free and paid traffic resources, advertising resources, traffic exchanges, social media, etc… to constantly build my list of prospects who are LOOKING FOR the kind of information I offer. In this case, I am offering information about email marketing, affiliate marketing, and the TrafficWave autoresponder system.

The people I talk to are people who WANT to know more and have requested information. A targeted prospect list is an incredibly valuable business asset and should never be overlooked. One of my mentors said before we have an MVP we need to have an MVA. What’s that mean? Your A – Audience is first and foremost even before your P – Products. (MV is Minimum Viable, but could be Most Valuable too.)

How do I build my list? All of my advertising and posts direct visitors to my capture page where they can request more information. When they fill out the form, they are added to my list for consistent follow up and they get the requested information.

This happens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all automatically. By the time I personally hear from someone, they have typically seen my videos, read my information, and may have a few questions. Maybe they just want to see if I’m real and will actually reply to an email. This makes it much easier to talk to them AND helps to disqualify those who are not serious.

This means I am always working with workers.

3) Content Creation. When I write articles for my blogs (like the one you are reading now), I will typically focus my content on how to solve a problem. With this blog, the content will typically be about helping businesses who are affiliate marketers and using email marketing. The articles are designed to answer questions and provide solutions.

Most of the time, my articles will also include an option for visitors to request more information by filling out a form. You will see one at the bottom of this article. This takes us back to Step 2 above, build your list.

Along the way, I get to meet new people, make new contacts, even make new friends, and build my lists. This helps build credibility and rapport. That leads to sales. Not everybody who reads my content wants to do business with me. But some do. And that is when the fun starts time and time again!

Take the time to train your mindbuild your lists, and create value in the market place. The Affiliate Marketing Results you create can pay you for years to come.

Email Marketing

Free AutoResponder Course – Get Started Now!

George McBride
I Use Email Marketing

This free autoresponder course is designed to show you how simple it can be to set up a system to generate new leads, follow up with prospects, and drive new sales for your business.

Putting autoresponders to work in your business is a great, great idea. What business doesn’t want, doesn’t need, new leads? What business doesn’t want, doesn’t need, to drive sales? Autoresponders that help you get this done can be a huge part of your business growth.

The key is to start with a 100% free online course that takes you through the steps of creating your autoresponder campaign, complete with followup letters, create capture page, and provides tips for driving traffic to your capture page.

Once these steps are learned, you can follow the same process for virtually any offer you have.

This puts you in the position of being able to generate leads and drive sales for any offer you may have or create in the future.

The key is to get started and follow the steps.

Click Here To Get The Free AutoResponder Course
The 30 Minute List Building Challenge

We call it The 30 Minute List Building Challenge because you can go from start to finish and be building a list within 30 minutes or less! Some have done it in less than 10 minutes!

Getting started is free. 30 minutes to start your List Generation, 30 Days to use it free.

Email Marketing

Collaboration, Working Together

I have always said “Working Together we All do Better”

Collaboration is a real boost to any business efforts. Today Brian Rooney posted this on his Blog: “George shared some of his experiences…” In Brian’s blog post click my photo or my name to join me in TrafficWave. Read More:…/track-your-results/

I share regularly on Email Marketing Mondays, So does Dan Fox and others. Last week Brian asked me to facilitate the Monday Meeting of Email Marketers.

As we grow in our businesses we learn things. Sharing those things with others helps them in their businesses. Collaborating together we will all do better.You can’t do it alone.

What comes from Collaboration?

  1. Authentication – Brian is the CEO, of course he is going to say TrafficWave is a great product. But when his customers brag on the product it Authenticates the business.
  2. Validation – Brian says “George is doing it” my success is validated to those who might follow my example.
  3. Exposure – Brian’s business is exposed to my network. My business is exposed to his network.
  4. Ideas – Alone the best we come up with is ideas we like. Together we birth ideas that have a real impact in the market place.
  5. Encouragement – Struggling? Listen to the struggles of others who are now very successful and you will see, “He did it. I can do it.”
  6. Answers – There is nothing new under the Sun. Working together you can very well avoid mistakes someone else has made. Or find the answer to a problem you are facing.
Lets Work Together. Meet us this Monday 7PM US Central Time (Tuesday 7AM Thai Time)
Affiliate Marketing

What Is Content Marketing and Why Is It Important Today?**

George McBride
I Use Email Marketing

I am saying it ALL the Time, Build your Audience. You are probably sick of hearing it from me. But this is how you make money on line.

All the Gurus say Build Your List. And they are right except it is more than that. A List are people you have, an Audience is people who have chosen you. An “Audience” listens, a “List” of unknown people is regularly deleting your emails.

How do you build an Audience? How did I build my Audience around Thai food, now over 42,000 strong?

I listened today to a very good Podcast that provide the steps to getting your audience. Want to listen to it? It will be worth your time. But know it is about 45 minutes long. Here are the High Points and how I did it.

1: Identify Your Sweet Spot

The first step is to find your sweet spot. This involves identifying what expertise you can offer, pinpointing what your audience is struggling with, and making connections between the two.

My sweet spot was Thai Food. I live in Thailand Love Thai food.

2: Find Your Content Tilt

Your sweet spot is just the starting point. Now you need to take it a step further and find your differentiation area, or “content tilt.” You can’t just create the same content that everybody else is offering and expect to stand out.

My Content Tilt was Rats. Well rats play a part. If I did just Thai Food there would be too much competition. I focus on foods few people have had. That includes rats, yes. Everyone knows Pad Thai, Tom Yum Goong and Green Curry. I provide an unusual option. Thais living abroad love see “the real thing.” Others like the unusual aspect.

3: Choose a Platform to Focus on

Now you need to pick your core platform to build your audience. Based on who you’re targeting and your content tilt, choose your content type—audio, video, or text plus image? Then select your content platform. YouTube for video? Apple Music or Spotify for your podcast? A WordPress blog for your text plus image? Instagram for your pictures? Clubhouse for interactive audio?

If your niche does not differentiate you may be your platform can. For example, there are tons of recipe blogs, and YouTube videos so I chose a community approach on Facebook. I built a Facebook Private Group.

4: Build an Audience

The 9-12 months you spend focusing on the base leads to audience-building. This is where social media comes in. If you decide you’re going to be on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube, remember that you don’t control any of those connections. Those followers or subscribers are Twitter’s, Facebook’s, or YouTube’s, not yours. The platforms are letting you use their audience right now.

You need to have a plan to ascend the subscriber hierarchy and move into email. You’re moving from rented to owned. I have 40,000 plus subscribers and use TrafficWave to manage and mail my list. Any other service provider would be far too costly. TrafficWave is $17.95 no matter how big your subscriber list is. Other services would be 100s per month.

5: Generate Revenue

For the first 9-12 months, you don’t want to have any revenue expectations. It doesn’t mean you won’t get revenue. Just keep your expectations low because it takes time to build a loyal audience.

After about 12-18 months, you’ll be in the revenue sweet spot. With the loyal audience you’ve developed, you can generate revenue in lots of different ways.

My list is now, after 7 months, producing a consistent revenue stream. Bu 90% of that revenue comes from those who have subscribed to my email list. I make 10x moresales from sending an email than from posting to my Facebook Group. But near 80% of my subscriber who I email subscribed from my Facebook Group.

**Footnote: Content Marketing Strategy: A Proven Method to Success by Michael Stelzner Full Article

Email Marketing

How Other Businesses Use Email Marketing To Grow.

Are you wondering how to use email marketing to build your business? From entertainers to manufacturers, authors to online marketers, more and more businesses are beginning to experience the power of email marketing to generate leads and drive sales. Let’s look at some of these exciting examples of how to use email marketing:

sheri lavo email marketing

Sheri Lavo, a Houston area singer, is using TrafficWave to build her list of fans in and around the Houston area. Each Monday, she sends a broadcast out to her fans to let them know where she will be performing that week.

This always brings in more fans which is good for her and the venues where she is performing.

Fans are regularly thanking her for her email updates because they love coming to hear her perform.

alternate mode email marketing

Alternate Mode manufactures a unique set of digital drum and percussion gear. They are  using TrafficWave to build and manage lists of musicians and musical educators.

When they have a new instrument to offer, or a new event to promote, they send out a broadcast to their list and typically see sales coming in within minutes.

Dothan Ice Cream Email marketing

Dothan Ice Cream Company sells unique ice cream pops in Dothan Alabama. From family events, local events, weddings, corporate parties, and more, Dothan Ice Cream Company is dedicated to creating lasting memories.

They use their TrafficWave AutoResponder to send out a regular newsletter to announce new flavors, special offers, and local events. They’ve recently begun shipping ice pops wholesale to retail outlets.

Tony Micelli email marketing

Internationally renowned vibraphonist Tony Miceli has been performing steadily on the jazz scene since 1980.  In All About Jazz, Vic Schermer describes him as … “a vibraphonist of astonishing virtuosity, musical resilience, and inventiveness. His vibes playing is nothing short of phenomenal.”is an accomplished musician and teacher who uses his TrafficWave Autoresponder to keep fans informed, promote workshops, sell educational books, promote events, etc…

Tony uses TrafficWave to build and communicate with his fan base, promote special events, workshops, and more.

shelley hitz email marketing

Shelley Hitz has published over 50 books and has personally authored over 40 of them. In addition to being an author, Shelley has trained many authors to get that next book idea out of their heads an on to the paper.

Shelley uses TrafficWave to promote her books as well as her classes for upcoming authors.

We are excited to have Shelley with us and look forward to her next release.

Ben Olszewski email marketing

Ben Olszewski is a successful swim coach in Washington. Using his TrafficWave AutoResponder, he began building a list of online marketing enthusiasts. He recently put together an online marketing program and ran a broadcast out to his subscribers. His system has already reached the point of creating a 5 figure annual online income.

This is in addition to the other Affiliate offers he sends to his lists and his TrafficWave Affiliate income he earns by referring other business owners and entrepreneurs to our site.

Chase Swift email marketing

Chase Swift has been a professional nature and wildlife stock photographer for over 30 years. His photos, represented internationally by and, have appeared in a wide variety of publications. Chase uses his TrafficWave AutoResponder to build and manage lists of photography and videography fans, online marketers, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

He also shows other entrepreneurs how to build their lists with TrafficWave and earns regular ongoing residual commissions as a result.

Would you like to use email marketing to start growing your business? Fill out the form below to receive our free report that shows you how to use email marketing to grow your business.