Make it a Good One

Your photo is essential and must be a good one, a memorable one and a professional one. Why? Because you are branding yourself.
When you place a stream post, mail your Team, make a forum posts, and much more, all these are accompanied by your photo. Your Affiliates, friends or other business people respond to your profile picture, good or bad. When a person receives valued content from you consistently over time, then you begin to Brand yourself to that person, they begin to respond to you. I have Affiliates with whom I have built a trusted bond, and, now they no longer seriously engage in SFI, my primary business. But they still chat with me and make purchases every month through my affiliate links and my online store in TripleClicks. They are friends. They have a situation such that they can’t consistently apply themselves in SFI, but they do want to bring value back to me. They buy in TripleClicks those things they might have bought elsewhere.
As you brand yourself, and if you are viewed as a provider of valued content, affiliates respond. They scan through various posted messages and when they see your face they stop and read. They scan the forum and stop and read your posts. They look to you for help, direction and guidance and you forge mutually beneficial relationships. They trust you because they feel like they know you and they truly do, in the cyber sense.
My profile picture in SFI is the same as my picture in Twitter, LinkedIn, Webtalk, Apsense, CashJuice and gmail. In every ad exchange I am part of or any program I use that asks for a profile Picture I make sure I load it up and it is the same as my SFI Profile Picture. (here is an Example) Why? Because when a person signs up as an Affiliate I want them to recognize me immediately. When a person begins to associate my face with valued content they will engage, first as a prospect, then as an affiliate then as a vital member of the team and finally as a team leader.
Do not undervalue the importance of you profile picture both in your primary business, such as SFI, and synchronizing all your social activity around that picture. If you were an affiliate signing up who would you want to work with?
One of These People?

Or one of These People?

Who would you take more seriously? Who would you believe to be more reliable? I think we all know the answer.
With your lovely face you are building your “know, like and trust” factor. People do business with those they know, like and trust. Also, have you ever said, “I know the face, I just can’t remember the name…”? I have. And when I see the face of a friend, I respond.
If you go to LinkedIn and search on the name, “George McBride”, which I just did, you will get 73 results. At least that is what I got. How can you be sure which one is me if you are not familiar with my face. It is frustrating and it could potentially be a serious loss of business for you. People are trying to connect with you, why? Because they want to do business with you.
That smiling Face of yours is part of your brand. Use it!
3 replies on “Your Profile Picture is Very Important”
Enjoyed watching your video, George, Had a conversation with someone yesterday on the same subject, as to why I have never changed my profile picture. I responded with the same things you’ve discussed here.
George, I would like to know how you reached your level of success with Triple Clicks and how I can do the same. Any tips and/or ideas would be appreciated.
Evelyn Burns
Right now I am working on a short (though it keeps getting longer) PDF on Niche/FB Groups for marketing. If you have followed me, you may have seen a post about my “I Love Thai Food” FB Group. I started it about 3 or 4 years ago. I hovered at 100+ members for all that time until this past January. Then it began to climb, soar even. Now I am over 11,000 members.
The number one most important thing is to build an audience, often called a List. But people don’t follow through.
The number 2 most important thing is to build the “know, like and trust” factor. And…
The number 3 most important thing is genuinely serve this audience. Genuinely serving will result in a Buy Response. Disingenuous serving, serving to sell is manipulation. People know the difference.
Sir I Like This But I Do Not Have Smart Phone Or Computer To Do That