Email Marketing

What does it Take to Get Results?

Every Affiliate I talk to tells me they want to make money. Makes sense. When I talk to my Top Affiliates in TrafficWave and in SFI, they say the same thing, they want results. When I talk to a brand new Affiliate, you got it, they want results.

We all want results in our affiliate marketing efforts. The key is in learning how to consistently create results. That word: “create” is a very important word. Successful business people know that success isn’t “found”. It is not the result of luck. It is created by the action steps we take on a consistent basis.

Here are 3 essential steps I believe every one of us should be taking if we want to create affiliate marketing results in our businesses. These are the things I am doing on a consistent basis, myself.

1) Training My Mind. Skip this step and none of the other steps will matter. If you want success, you absolutely MUST get your mind straight. How do I do this?

I attend online and offline training events to increase my knowledge of email marketing, affiliate marketing, and list building as well as overall business and success principles.

I read books by and about other successful people. It’s all about getting my mind in line with the way other successful people think.

I engage with like minded people who both benefit and contribute to my personal journey.

There will be tough times. There will be distractions. Life gets busy and things happen. There will be setbacks. Some of the people you thought were going to run with you never take action. Or they quit. There will be the naysayer who slanders your business and business pursuits. I have had them all. You will too.

This is why I MUST train My mind to stay focused on My goals and the processes that will get me there. Without this step, the following 2 steps will not matter. Why? Because that previous paragraph is true.

How do you spot someone with a mind trained for success? They aren’t complaining. They aren’t jumping from one program to another. They aren’t making excuses. They are attending webinars. They are reading personal development books. They are constantly learning and contributing.

2) List Building. Affiliate marketing results depend on list building. I know this is a broken record repeating the same thing over and pver, but it is TRUE.

I use free and paid traffic resources, advertising resources, traffic exchanges, social media, etc… to constantly build my list of prospects who are LOOKING FOR the kind of information I offer. In this case, I am offering information about email marketing, affiliate marketing, and the TrafficWave autoresponder system.

The people I talk to are people who WANT to know more and have requested information. A targeted prospect list is an incredibly valuable business asset and should never be overlooked. One of my mentors said before we have an MVP we need to have an MVA. What’s that mean? Your A – Audience is first and foremost even before your P – Products. (MV is Minimum Viable, but could be Most Valuable too.)

How do I build my list? All of my advertising and posts direct visitors to my capture page where they can request more information. When they fill out the form, they are added to my list for consistent follow up and they get the requested information.

This happens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all automatically. By the time I personally hear from someone, they have typically seen my videos, read my information, and may have a few questions. Maybe they just want to see if I’m real and will actually reply to an email. This makes it much easier to talk to them AND helps to disqualify those who are not serious.

This means I am always working with workers.

3) Content Creation. When I write articles for my blogs (like the one you are reading now), I will typically focus my content on how to solve a problem. With this blog, the content will typically be about helping businesses who are affiliate marketers and using email marketing. The articles are designed to answer questions and provide solutions.

Most of the time, my articles will also include an option for visitors to request more information by filling out a form. You will see one at the bottom of this article. This takes us back to Step 2 above, build your list.

Along the way, I get to meet new people, make new contacts, even make new friends, and build my lists. This helps build credibility and rapport. That leads to sales. Not everybody who reads my content wants to do business with me. But some do. And that is when the fun starts time and time again!

Take the time to train your mindbuild your lists, and create value in the market place. The Affiliate Marketing Results you create can pay you for years to come.

Email Marketing

How Other Businesses Use Email Marketing To Grow.

Are you wondering how to use email marketing to build your business? From entertainers to manufacturers, authors to online marketers, more and more businesses are beginning to experience the power of email marketing to generate leads and drive sales. Let’s look at some of these exciting examples of how to use email marketing:

sheri lavo email marketing

Sheri Lavo, a Houston area singer, is using TrafficWave to build her list of fans in and around the Houston area. Each Monday, she sends a broadcast out to her fans to let them know where she will be performing that week.

This always brings in more fans which is good for her and the venues where she is performing.

Fans are regularly thanking her for her email updates because they love coming to hear her perform.

alternate mode email marketing

Alternate Mode manufactures a unique set of digital drum and percussion gear. They are  using TrafficWave to build and manage lists of musicians and musical educators.

When they have a new instrument to offer, or a new event to promote, they send out a broadcast to their list and typically see sales coming in within minutes.

Dothan Ice Cream Email marketing

Dothan Ice Cream Company sells unique ice cream pops in Dothan Alabama. From family events, local events, weddings, corporate parties, and more, Dothan Ice Cream Company is dedicated to creating lasting memories.

They use their TrafficWave AutoResponder to send out a regular newsletter to announce new flavors, special offers, and local events. They’ve recently begun shipping ice pops wholesale to retail outlets.

Tony Micelli email marketing

Internationally renowned vibraphonist Tony Miceli has been performing steadily on the jazz scene since 1980.  In All About Jazz, Vic Schermer describes him as … “a vibraphonist of astonishing virtuosity, musical resilience, and inventiveness. His vibes playing is nothing short of phenomenal.”is an accomplished musician and teacher who uses his TrafficWave Autoresponder to keep fans informed, promote workshops, sell educational books, promote events, etc…

Tony uses TrafficWave to build and communicate with his fan base, promote special events, workshops, and more.

shelley hitz email marketing

Shelley Hitz has published over 50 books and has personally authored over 40 of them. In addition to being an author, Shelley has trained many authors to get that next book idea out of their heads an on to the paper.

Shelley uses TrafficWave to promote her books as well as her classes for upcoming authors.

We are excited to have Shelley with us and look forward to her next release.

Ben Olszewski email marketing

Ben Olszewski is a successful swim coach in Washington. Using his TrafficWave AutoResponder, he began building a list of online marketing enthusiasts. He recently put together an online marketing program and ran a broadcast out to his subscribers. His system has already reached the point of creating a 5 figure annual online income.

This is in addition to the other Affiliate offers he sends to his lists and his TrafficWave Affiliate income he earns by referring other business owners and entrepreneurs to our site.

Chase Swift email marketing

Chase Swift has been a professional nature and wildlife stock photographer for over 30 years. His photos, represented internationally by and, have appeared in a wide variety of publications. Chase uses his TrafficWave AutoResponder to build and manage lists of photography and videography fans, online marketers, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

He also shows other entrepreneurs how to build their lists with TrafficWave and earns regular ongoing residual commissions as a result.

Would you like to use email marketing to start growing your business? Fill out the form below to receive our free report that shows you how to use email marketing to grow your business.