Email Marketing

Trying to Find the Invisible Buyer

Are your prospects invisible? If so how will you find them?

Or are you/your products invisible to the Buyer? If so why would they purchase?

The hardest thing for most of us is we cannot see our prospects. If we cannot see them I am sure they do not see us. You know exactly what I mean. Just ask yourself how many 100s of ads do you ignore everyday?

We are so excited. We put together our first ad copy, our first ad graphics and we throw it out there. And we wait, sure we’ll make a sale. But nothing happens our ad is invisible. You know why?

Because we did not give it to someone, we ‘threw it out there”. we think if we throw it in front of 100,000 people I am sure to make a sale. Or maybe 100,000 people ignore it. Might as well of thrown it out into the wide blue ocean, it sinks straight to the bottom never to be seen.

Instead of “throwing it out there” you need to talk with someone. You need to communicate with a person. You need to know that person and that person needs to know you. The very best thing you can do to increase sales is to increase the number of people you know, who know you and you are communicating.

As you come to know, like and trust each other, you learn how you might help this person. This person sees you as someone who might help them. and a transaction can occur.

This is why I spend so much time building my subscriber list. Through Social Media (Facebook Groups) and my email program. Through these communication channels we get to know one another.

Two Examples:
Social Media Post on Butterfly Pea Tea. I mentioned this Tea in a recipe (I do not sell it). One person checked out the benefits, shared them and asked, “Where can I buy this?” Bingo. This prospect is no longer invisible. I see him. I reply, “I know a farm locally that grows/makes this. I will see if I can get some to list in my store.” He sees me. and 3 others “watching” joined in and said, I want some too.

Email Subscriber List – I have a email course on how to market using email. One subscriber wrote me and said, “I do not have a list, but I want to build one. I just have one question, where would I find real products I can sell to that list?” Bingo. My reply SFI Affiliate Marketig. Real products from Household Cleaner to Toothpaste. From Games to Auctions. From Cooking classes to Copy Writing. SFI has whatever your prospect needs.

See your prospect and be seen by them.

Affiliate Marketing Email Marketing SFI

Are you Advertising OR are you Trying to Make Sales?

George McBride

Advertising Is Not Sales.

Elizabeth asked, “In the past I have tried selling products on TripleClicks by posting affiliate links on Facebook and Twitter but I ended up in Facebook jail. Why? What can I do to Sell Products?”

Social Media is a social platform, it can be used for advertising, not sales. What do I mean? Facebook and many other social media sites have a Sales, or they often call it Market, branch. It is where people go to shop. It requires you paying the platform.

The social stream can be used for advertising. BUT Remember that advertising does not produce sales. What does it produce? I’ll tell you, Rapport. Some call it branding.

You build a good feeling between your brand and your prospect. In our case, we are the brand. We build “know, like and trust” As they get to know us, like us and trust us they begin to see I might be able to provide a solution to their needs, wants and desires. They want to get that solution from me, not Amazon, not someone posting links on Facebook but from me because they know, like and trust me.

The best way to provide that rapport is give the prospect the opportunity to “Learn More” ….  This leads them to join my email list.  I have built my List to over 5000 people, and you can Learn How I did it.

My Thai Food FB Group is a classic example. I started and admin the group. I protect the group from raw blatant Sales posts. I have one member who posts this every day:
“You have tried the rest, now try the best”. then the info on their restaurant and a picture of their business.

Every day I block this post. People are in my group to learn about Thai food, not go to this guy’s restaurant. Of the 100,000 people only about 50 could even go. The rest live no where near the Restaurant. Why make everyone else see this ad? My group appreciates that. They Like that, and I am earning their trust.

How did I build a Group this size? It started with a Video I saw.

When I make a food suggestion many respond because they know, like and trust me. There is a spice mix, NamTok, that I sell on TripleClicks. A member of my group mentioned that this spice tastes good on french fries. We do not eat french fries, so we tried it on popcorn. I responded to the guys post and thanked him for the idea and shared a picture of the popcorn. Result 6 sales immediately and several more since.

I posted a rice dish with tons of herbs in it . The rice was blue and I found out it was made blue using Butterfly Pea Flowers (a tea concoction). I mention that in the post. 2 people asked about where they can get the Tea

I found a farm here that produces it and have listed it on TripleClicks in my Store. I passed it on to the Thai Food Group. And I made several sales. I am not selling on Facebook, I am a trusted source for meeting needs and solving problems. 

This is how I use Social Media.

Email Marketing

Tools are needed in every Business

What is a Plumber without a Plunger?

What is a Carpenter without a Saw?

Answer: Unemployed.

You need the right tools to get the job done. The best part is, in online business many of those tools can be gotten free. Well not really free, you must take some time to learn how to use them.

Here is one: Clipboard History Pro
Ever copy something to your Clipboard, got busy and when you go to paste that “Something” it is gone, over written. Man, I have. Sometimes I am clicking “copy” and I scream, “nooo, oh, I just lost what was there…” So frustrating, but now it doesn’t happen to me anymore.

Example, I get a 3 new Affiliates. I copy the link into my paste buffer to open their snapshot. I open it and see that they do not have a profile picture yet. So I write a quick “Tip” about the importance of a Profile picture and how to upload it. I copy the quick note into my paste buffer (clipboard) and I am going to send it to each one.

At that moment a person opens a chat with me. They ask a question and I quick and easy get the answer Cut…Paste…Done.

Now back to my new Affiliates, open their Snapshot and go to send them the tip on Profile Pictures only to realize it is no longer in my Paste Buffer (Clip Board)… Ahhhh got to rethink and retype the tip.

I do that so many times every day. But no more. I now use a free Google extension called “Clipboard History Pro”. I love it.

Here is what it looks like:

You will see (circled in Red) you save up to your last 150 copy selections.
You will see (circled in Red) you can mark specific data with a Favorite Star and it will not be deleted.
You will see the Extension is added to your Chrome Navigation bar for quick access
You can also search all 150 entries for a specific item you copied.
And you just click the link you want and it is placed into your paste buffer, even long copies, like and entire email entry.

It is a great tool that really is very useful. Enjoy the efficiency.

Email Marketing

Free AutoResponder Course – Get Started Now!

George McBride
I Use Email Marketing

This free autoresponder course is designed to show you how simple it can be to set up a system to generate new leads, follow up with prospects, and drive new sales for your business.

Putting autoresponders to work in your business is a great, great idea. What business doesn’t want, doesn’t need, new leads? What business doesn’t want, doesn’t need, to drive sales? Autoresponders that help you get this done can be a huge part of your business growth.

The key is to start with a 100% free online course that takes you through the steps of creating your autoresponder campaign, complete with followup letters, create capture page, and provides tips for driving traffic to your capture page.

Once these steps are learned, you can follow the same process for virtually any offer you have.

This puts you in the position of being able to generate leads and drive sales for any offer you may have or create in the future.

The key is to get started and follow the steps.

Click Here To Get The Free AutoResponder Course
The 30 Minute List Building Challenge

We call it The 30 Minute List Building Challenge because you can go from start to finish and be building a list within 30 minutes or less! Some have done it in less than 10 minutes!

Getting started is free. 30 minutes to start your List Generation, 30 Days to use it free.

Email Marketing

Collaboration, Working Together

I have always said “Working Together we All do Better”

Collaboration is a real boost to any business efforts. Today Brian Rooney posted this on his Blog: “George shared some of his experiences…” In Brian’s blog post click my photo or my name to join me in TrafficWave. Read More:…/track-your-results/

I share regularly on Email Marketing Mondays, So does Dan Fox and others. Last week Brian asked me to facilitate the Monday Meeting of Email Marketers.

As we grow in our businesses we learn things. Sharing those things with others helps them in their businesses. Collaborating together we will all do better.You can’t do it alone.

What comes from Collaboration?

  1. Authentication – Brian is the CEO, of course he is going to say TrafficWave is a great product. But when his customers brag on the product it Authenticates the business.
  2. Validation – Brian says “George is doing it” my success is validated to those who might follow my example.
  3. Exposure – Brian’s business is exposed to my network. My business is exposed to his network.
  4. Ideas – Alone the best we come up with is ideas we like. Together we birth ideas that have a real impact in the market place.
  5. Encouragement – Struggling? Listen to the struggles of others who are now very successful and you will see, “He did it. I can do it.”
  6. Answers – There is nothing new under the Sun. Working together you can very well avoid mistakes someone else has made. Or find the answer to a problem you are facing.
Lets Work Together. Meet us this Monday 7PM US Central Time (Tuesday 7AM Thai Time)
Email Marketing

Email Marketing Mondays

Join us for Email Marketing Monday LIVE! with Brian Rooney. This is your opportunity to sit down with TrafficWave CEO, Brian Rooney, and dig in to the power of email marketing for your business.

Imagine stopping by the office to sit down with Co-Founder and CEO, Brian Rooney, to talk about the ins and outs of email marketing with More of a “Meetup” and chat session than a hard core training, this is a great place to feed your vision and become better acquainted with the tools, the company, people using them and the people behind them.

Brian will share his own experiences with email marketing, share his tips, and answer any questions you may have. And if you think he is the only one with ideas and input wait until you meet some of the people using TrafficWave with great success.

Brian endorsed my work asking me to communicate and share what I was doing to achieve success. That significantly boosted my business. (Monday Marketing May 3rd)

Join us for our next live session this coming Monday! (Tuesday Thai Time, Haha).

If you are not in the Central Time Zone (USA) use this to see what time it is in your town. World Clock Meeting Planner

When you open that link you should see Houston as Location 1. Add a big city near you as Location 2 then scroll down and click Show Time Table. Find 7 AM in Houston and see what time that is in your place.

The best part is I get Paid to use this tool. The Affiliate program quickly makes the tool itself Very Profitable to use.

Topic: Email Marketing Monday, 7PM Central
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 2550 6793
Passcode: 428970

Email Marketing

How Other Businesses Use Email Marketing To Grow.

Are you wondering how to use email marketing to build your business? From entertainers to manufacturers, authors to online marketers, more and more businesses are beginning to experience the power of email marketing to generate leads and drive sales. Let’s look at some of these exciting examples of how to use email marketing:

sheri lavo email marketing

Sheri Lavo, a Houston area singer, is using TrafficWave to build her list of fans in and around the Houston area. Each Monday, she sends a broadcast out to her fans to let them know where she will be performing that week.

This always brings in more fans which is good for her and the venues where she is performing.

Fans are regularly thanking her for her email updates because they love coming to hear her perform.

alternate mode email marketing

Alternate Mode manufactures a unique set of digital drum and percussion gear. They are  using TrafficWave to build and manage lists of musicians and musical educators.

When they have a new instrument to offer, or a new event to promote, they send out a broadcast to their list and typically see sales coming in within minutes.

Dothan Ice Cream Email marketing

Dothan Ice Cream Company sells unique ice cream pops in Dothan Alabama. From family events, local events, weddings, corporate parties, and more, Dothan Ice Cream Company is dedicated to creating lasting memories.

They use their TrafficWave AutoResponder to send out a regular newsletter to announce new flavors, special offers, and local events. They’ve recently begun shipping ice pops wholesale to retail outlets.

Tony Micelli email marketing

Internationally renowned vibraphonist Tony Miceli has been performing steadily on the jazz scene since 1980.  In All About Jazz, Vic Schermer describes him as … “a vibraphonist of astonishing virtuosity, musical resilience, and inventiveness. His vibes playing is nothing short of phenomenal.”is an accomplished musician and teacher who uses his TrafficWave Autoresponder to keep fans informed, promote workshops, sell educational books, promote events, etc…

Tony uses TrafficWave to build and communicate with his fan base, promote special events, workshops, and more.

shelley hitz email marketing

Shelley Hitz has published over 50 books and has personally authored over 40 of them. In addition to being an author, Shelley has trained many authors to get that next book idea out of their heads an on to the paper.

Shelley uses TrafficWave to promote her books as well as her classes for upcoming authors.

We are excited to have Shelley with us and look forward to her next release.

Ben Olszewski email marketing

Ben Olszewski is a successful swim coach in Washington. Using his TrafficWave AutoResponder, he began building a list of online marketing enthusiasts. He recently put together an online marketing program and ran a broadcast out to his subscribers. His system has already reached the point of creating a 5 figure annual online income.

This is in addition to the other Affiliate offers he sends to his lists and his TrafficWave Affiliate income he earns by referring other business owners and entrepreneurs to our site.

Chase Swift email marketing

Chase Swift has been a professional nature and wildlife stock photographer for over 30 years. His photos, represented internationally by and, have appeared in a wide variety of publications. Chase uses his TrafficWave AutoResponder to build and manage lists of photography and videography fans, online marketers, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

He also shows other entrepreneurs how to build their lists with TrafficWave and earns regular ongoing residual commissions as a result.

Would you like to use email marketing to start growing your business? Fill out the form below to receive our free report that shows you how to use email marketing to grow your business.

Email Marketing

Want to Make Real Product Sales?

As an Affiliate Marketer you must have affiliate products to promote and sell. I want to sell Real Products and get Paid Real Money for doing so. That is why I love this product.

Are you are familiar with Mighty 101 All Purpose Cleaner.? It is the “perfect product”. Why?

First it is very price competitive. One Packet makes one 750ml bottle of all purpose Cleaner. Here are some of the products that you could replace with Mighty101 and just look at the savings.

You could buy Mighty101 for 99 Cents (750 ml bottle) as compare to these Amazon Products you are probably familiar with:

Windex, 680 ml, cost on Amazon, $2.97 a bottle (you must buy 6) plus shipping.
Scotch Guard Carpet Cleaner $6.87
TECH Carpet Cleaner $12.49
Lysol All Purpose Bathroom Cleaner $3.96
Easy-Off Specialty Kitchen Degreaser Cleaner $7.90

All these products are on Amazon check for yourself. And these prices do not include Shipping. Mighty101 ships free and you do not need to be an Amazon Prime member to get that free shipping. Haha!

The second reason it is a Perfect Product is, it is a consumable. People buy it over and over again. So you make money by recruiting new customers and you make money every time an old customer returns to place an order. That is a growing residual income. 

Now how best to promote MIghty101? On all my Social Media I am placing one of two splash pages every day. I use both and I alternate back and forth.

First a straight forward ad Splash Page with a short Video. (You can purchase this at TripleClicks)

Second a Sales Page with a Landing Capture Page, followed up by a short email campaign. Some people want more information others just want to see the product, so I use both. (You can purchase this at Flexxity)

Now what do I post every day. Again I alternate between two “styles”. 

My First “style” is my personal experience with the product. I posted this in my “I Love Thai Food” Facebook Group.

“I love Good Food and My Wife is a Good Cook. We live in Thailand. We cook over charcoal, and over a gas flame. When cooking Thaifood, the Grease Splatters.

This is a Home and Industrial strength Cleaner. Yes in Thai cooking lots of grease splatters. But Mighty 101 will clean it in seconds, even in an industrial kitchen. Here is a quick literally 30 second video. This is an ECO Friendly powerful Pet and Human Friendly All Purpose Cleaner.

My Second “style” is the experience of others. Each Day I went to the review section of Mighty101 in TripleClicks and got a review. Here is the first one I used:

Mighty 101 Review

Here is the image link feel free yo steal it.

I then added some personalized text and the link to one of the 2 pages above. I strongly suggest using one of these pages, or one you make yourself, as a bridge between the prospect and the product. But if you do not want to do that you could just use a Share Link out of TripleClicks for the Mighty101 Product.

Here my wife, Awn, used her Twitter feed to make a promotion for me.

Awn's Twitter Feed

This is how I am making sales and growing my prospect list.

If you are an Affiliate Marketer and you need Real Products to promote and Real Cash Commissions then take a look at my Video Resume and see if I am Qualified.

Email Marketing

How to Split Test to Improve your Marketing Results.

Yesterday I posted about Bridge Pages. In my example I included a Bridge. You can see it here. Using three Sites with similar membership and similar delivery methods. The results of a Split test will be very informative.

In that landing page there are three sites each the same in their layout. You get free Credits in all three. So, if you join all three sites for the free credits I suspect most others have done the same.

I assume that these three site have very similar memberships. So if I send the same email to all three sites many of the members may see my email 3 times. That is okay, increases exposure. But it does not really help that much to mail people 3 times. So, since the membership is basically the same people this is what I do.

First the email I send to these 3 sites is designed to get people on to My Personal Email List (Learn More). Once on my list I can communicate with them repeatedly and I don’t need credits to do it.

Second, I use the three sites to “Split Test” my email promotions. I send the same email to all three sites, but I change the subject lines. And I see which Subject line does the best.


My Pomotion URL –

My three Subject Lines:
Does your Cash Flow In or Out?
The most Important thing for Any Business is…
How I turned my List into an ATM

Then I go to each site and I can check the back office and see Which of the three subject lines gets the most opens. Which ever it is, I use that subject line in all my other solo ads.

I do the same thing with my Lead Magnets. I do Thai Food. Three lead magnets might be, Free package of Durian, A free Cookbook (PDF), a free specific recipe, or a free cooking Video.

Again I send the three or in this case four Lead Magnets out to this list and see which gets the best result. With these the best one was a single specific recipe. Interesting.

We need to let the market tell us what they want.

I suggest using these sites like that. Email me if you need more instruction.

Email Marketing

Why Pay More?

How do I Make Money? Click 2C

Most Mailing companies increase the cost of your mailing program as your list grows, as the number of mailing campaigns grow and/or as your number of mailings a month grow in.

You may have less than 500 on your list but you mail them 5 times a month that is 2500 mailings and your price goes up.

I experienced this with another company. I had a list under 500 so I qualified for the free pricing, but I had a study going on. I emailed all participants the study material once a week, and twice a month I sent a short commentary from an expert on our study topic. And this was all in Thai!!!

I exceeded the “mailings per month” limit and my account was locked until I paid an upgraded price. That made a mess of my study. To keep going, what choice did I have but to pay.

There were 4 choices of upgrades. All four were pricey. And I thought, do I upgrade two levels just to be sure I am not locked again? Do I go to the Highest Level, that was $299.00 a month, but I got all the features and manageable limits. And it was my plan to grow. We all have that plan right?

Then I found TrafficWave. In TrafficWave you have a fixed price. With the 1 price you have access to All the Features. There is no upgrades. Unlimited List Size, Unlimited mailings, Unlimited Campaigns. All one price. Guess what service I use now?

And I made that switch over nine years ago. Still with TrafficWave and still moving along just fine. All the Features and an ever growing list.

Do you know How to build your list? Here are three points I think are important :

The number one most important thing is to build an audience, often called a List. But people don’t follow through. A big mistake is people just get a bunch of emails. You want to think Audience, not List. If you do not keep your Audience engaged they walk out.

The number 2 most important thing is to build the “know, like and trust” factor. Your content should be 80% Value and 20% promotions. Most people just post, “I just found a great new blah, blah, blah.” There is no Story, no Connection. I am not getting to know you. How can I like someone I do not know? Why would I trust you?

The number 3 most important thing is genuinely serve this audience. Genuinely serving will result in a Buy Response. Disingenuous serving, serving to sell, is manipulation. People know the difference.