Affiliate Marketing Email Marketing SFI

Are you Advertising OR are you Trying to Make Sales?

George McBride

Advertising Is Not Sales.

Elizabeth asked, “In the past I have tried selling products on TripleClicks by posting affiliate links on Facebook and Twitter but I ended up in Facebook jail. Why? What can I do to Sell Products?”

Social Media is a social platform, it can be used for advertising, not sales. What do I mean? Facebook and many other social media sites have a Sales, or they often call it Market, branch. It is where people go to shop. It requires you paying the platform.

The social stream can be used for advertising. BUT Remember that advertising does not produce sales. What does it produce? I’ll tell you, Rapport. Some call it branding.

You build a good feeling between your brand and your prospect. In our case, we are the brand. We build “know, like and trust” As they get to know us, like us and trust us they begin to see I might be able to provide a solution to their needs, wants and desires. They want to get that solution from me, not Amazon, not someone posting links on Facebook but from me because they know, like and trust me.

The best way to provide that rapport is give the prospect the opportunity to “Learn More” ….  This leads them to join my email list.  I have built my List to over 5000 people, and you can Learn How I did it.

My Thai Food FB Group is a classic example. I started and admin the group. I protect the group from raw blatant Sales posts. I have one member who posts this every day:
“You have tried the rest, now try the best”. then the info on their restaurant and a picture of their business.

Every day I block this post. People are in my group to learn about Thai food, not go to this guy’s restaurant. Of the 100,000 people only about 50 could even go. The rest live no where near the Restaurant. Why make everyone else see this ad? My group appreciates that. They Like that, and I am earning their trust.

How did I build a Group this size? It started with a Video I saw.

When I make a food suggestion many respond because they know, like and trust me. There is a spice mix, NamTok, that I sell on TripleClicks. A member of my group mentioned that this spice tastes good on french fries. We do not eat french fries, so we tried it on popcorn. I responded to the guys post and thanked him for the idea and shared a picture of the popcorn. Result 6 sales immediately and several more since.

I posted a rice dish with tons of herbs in it . The rice was blue and I found out it was made blue using Butterfly Pea Flowers (a tea concoction). I mention that in the post. 2 people asked about where they can get the Tea

I found a farm here that produces it and have listed it on TripleClicks in my Store. I passed it on to the Thai Food Group. And I made several sales. I am not selling on Facebook, I am a trusted source for meeting needs and solving problems. 

This is how I use Social Media.

Affiliate Marketing SFI

Who Likes Pushy Sales People?

No Friends Left - Too Pushy?

I have said many times, “Sales is Fast Money and Team Building is Big Money”

I am a member of SFI as an Affiliate Marketer. Here are 5 ways to build your sales without being pushy. They are specifically meant for SFI Affiliate Marketing but the principles can apply to any marketing. If you want to use SFI as your affiliate marketing platform,

I want to show you 5 good, fast and easy ways to make sales and valuable Sales VP (Profit Pool Shares).

1. Transfer Buying – There are products you use every day that are sold in TripleClicks. Stop buying that product at your local market and start buying it on TripleClicks. Transfer your Buying.

For example, A exotic meal for Dinner. , there are 1000s of products from Coffee to Toothpaste in TripleClicks.

Here’s another example of Transfer Buying. I won an Auction and received an Air Compressor for my car. This means I paid way below retail. I was using it yesterday to increase the air pressure in my tires and my neighbor saw me. He asked me, “Where’d you get that?”

I told him TripleClicks and encouraged him to join, he said “No I don’t think so.” But can you buy it for me. I suggested bidding for it in Astro Auctions instead, we did, but did not win. He then said, “Just buy it. But can you sign me for these Auctions, they’re fun?”

2. Buy Local – Suppose you do not want to “Transfer” your buying. Suppose you like your local shop, or you are a close friend or relative of the shop owner. Then invite that shop owner to join the Localvantia Program in SFI. Continue to buy from them, but earn valuable Rewardicals as well as building your SFI earnings.

The Localvantia Program is extremely valuable to the shop owner as well. He gets a valuable Loyalty program and he can earn on members of that Loyalty Program even when they are shopping somewhere else. That shop owner will like that.

3. Use Collections – Log on to TripleClicks first. Then open this Collection of all my Thai Foods sold on TripleClicks. In the Top right hand corner you will see a button, “Copy Collection” click it and My Food Collection will be copied into your TripleClicks back office completely customized with your SFI ID such that any purchase made from your collect will be commissions for you.

You will have a new link, similar but not the same as my GotClicks2 link. Promote it and any sale from, what is now your collection will result in commissions for you. I fulfill the order but you get the commissions and the Sales Quota points. Read more about Collections Here

4. Niche Market – You can build your own niche market. Are you interested in Food, recipes, exotic and spicy flavors. I have a program where I promote my Thai foods using a weekly recipe. Get those emails here: Change the links to your SFI ID, or to your new collection link, and promote these recipes to friends and family and on your social media. Currently my Thai Food Facebook Group is 210,000 people.  

Not into food? Whatever you like to do or talk about, whatever your niche is, build a collection of products from TripleClicks and then just talk about your niche, sharing your product collection link. For example, I have a Thai Bags Collection, a Drone Collection, a Beauty Matters Collection and more.

5. Tweet This – I have an email campaign that will send an email to your inbox every day or 2. In that email will be blue “Tweet This” buttons. When you click that button your twitter account will be opened (you may need to log on) and you will be given the option to make a Tweet directly to your account. In that tweet any SFI product links will be customized to your SFI ID. Anyone who sees the tweet and clicks the product link will be your customer. It will be your sale. All you need to do is open the emails each day and click the Tweet This Buttons. 

Realize that not all tweets will be promoting products. Some are designed to simply bring value to your audience and increase your creditability with your audience. Want Tweet This Click Here?

Well there you go, 5 simple ways to start reaching your Sales Quota and making Commissions without being a pushy sales person. Pick one and Start Using It today.

Affiliate Marketing

Are You Working on You?

Most people think it is hard to succeed online. Did you know “off line businesses” are way harder. Did you know that 20% fail almost right away and another 65% fail after 5 to 10 years. That is 85%. Why do most people fail at business? 

It is not the business. Same business, one entrepreneur fails and another succeeds. It is the character and the habits of the business person, not the type of business. 

At which job do you work harder? Finding the successful business or becoming that successful business person? Do you work harder on your job, or harder on yourself? Success is in you, not the business.

What are some of those Character Traits and Habits that make a person successful? Well here is one.

1. Live within your Means. Some people love to ask me for money in order to launch their SFI business. In other words they want me to launch it. 

If I launch it shouldn’t it be mine? 

Once there was a training conference and Rob C, said he really wanted to go, but could not afford it. It was $17, would I help him? I said sure. I paid his registration and was excited he wanted to learn and grow. 

The night before the conference I needed to give him information. I called him on his cell, and passed on the info. It was noisy in the background so just out of curiosity I asked, “Where are you?” He said he was at the movies and just coming out from the theater. 

At that time movies were $12.00. And I thought, it is not that Rob cannot afford the conference, it is that he wants to go to the movies more. He wants enough money in his pocket to go to the movies and use my money to go to the conference. 

It was not that he could not afford it, it was that he chose to place his business growth behind going to the movies. Today he still struggles financially. 

Are you putting your money where it will help your business, your skills, your knowledge and your experience grow? Or are you going to the movies? 

There is a fun proverb at one of the local Buddhist temples here in Chiang Mai. I love it, “Not yet rich, Live like you are rich, never be Rich. Not yet poor, live like you are poor, never be poor.

Invest in yourself.

Affiliate Marketing

For an Affiliate Marketer, Branding is How People Feel About You

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
― Maya Angelou

Branding is the process of giving specific meaning to an individual, company, or product. A brand is basically the gut feeling about that individual, company or product. For Affiliate Marketers this usually means I must think of myself as the Brand.

What is the “specific meaning” or “gut feeling” I give to those I am engaging?

Many years ago I was at a development conference. It was while I was a student in University and it was a lot of teaching, workshops, and some free time.

Mike G. was there too. It was the first time he ever went. 

A few days after the conference I asked him, “What did you like best? What did you learn?

Mike proceeded to tell me about lunch the last day. He was sitting at a table with 7 athletic guys. The plate of Fried Chicken was in front of him. He saw the biggest piece and he wanted it. One of the guys next to him picked up the plate, took a piece of Chicken and passed it away from Mike. 

He watched it go from guy to guy until it arrived in his hands, that big piece still there. He has never forgotten how those guys made the newest guy at the table feel.

Crazy, isn’t it? All the money, planning, and time invested in the conference and what Mike remembers is the Chicken. Today many years later all I remember is Mike’s Chicken story, I have no idea who the speakers were, or what the topic was that they spoken on. Just Mike and what I felt as he told me that story.

For me and Mike that conference was significant because of how it made us feel, and we now associate that positive response to the organization who ran the conference.

When we win our Affiliates over, when they know, like and trust us. When they feel good about doing business with us and have a positive response toward us, they become our fans who help grow our business. The best advertising, bringing others into the fold, is provided by them. According to Nielsen, more than 90% of Americans believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising,

So do your affiliates Know Like and Trust you. Have you branded yourself to them in a positive way?

We can complain about inactive affiliates and what we are really saying is, “These inactive affiliates are doing nothing for me.” Let’s think of something this week that will make even just one of our affiliates feel good about being in our business, feel good about having “me” as a sponsor. 

Build or start a Facebook Group with your Affiliates and see your “brand” grow. For some Great Hacks on building and running a Facebook group see Pat Flynn’s Video

Affiliate Marketing

Do you Know your Sponsor?

The Money Is In The Follow Up
No it’s in the Follow-up

I have joined many Free Ad Sites, over 450 to be truthful. Need some ad sites to join? Click Here. If you join, I will be your sponsor and you will be able to say, “I know my Sponsor”

But I was thinking today about Ads-Messenger. I have no idea who my sponsor is. In most my ad sites I have no idea who my sponsor is. Do you know who your sponsor is in any solo list like Ads-Messenger?

But I do know the owner, Gnana Prakash.
How about the Owner of Your Success Advantage? Matthew Graves
How about the owner of Build My Down Lines? Darren Olander
How about the owner of My Free Text Ads? Dave Mosher
How about Free Advertising For You? Jason Wise

I even know most of them by site from their Profile Pictures. But in none of the sites above do I know my Sponsor. There is a problem there. Do you see it?

People like Gnana succeed, and people like you and me fail because… We post affiliate URLs and hope people buy or join. We are not Capturing  the prospect’s email. We cannot FOLLOW-UP with that prospect. But Gnana can.

Our Prospect becomes the Site Owners Customer. Yeah you get some commissions, maybe, but probably not. The Site owner will get the Lions Share of the Money. You get emails from the site owners everyday to join their other sites, right? They even sweeten the pot with Ad credits at their current site. In all these sites they will be your sponsor, not the guy who recruited you to the original site. That’s Okay, But…
The money is not in the LIST. The MONEY IS IN THE FOLLOW-UP! And the owner is doing all the followup. In Gnana case he has over 10,000 on the list of Ads-Messenger.

If you are not building your own list, you cannot follow up with your prospects. You are losing Money. Worse you are giving it away to someone else.

Online Marketing is a BUSINESS.  An Autoresponder is a TOOL. You must have the Tool in order to do the business!

A plumber without a wrench would see his business fail. A Carpenter without a hammer would not succeed. 

An online marketer without a list building email auto responder program WILL FAIL.

Get this free step by step. It will have you up and running, building a list in 30 minutes or less.

Don’t waste time reading my post, start launching your own, for real, online business. 

Affiliate Marketing

934,463,632 Tokens Waiting For You

Millions in Rewardical Tokens

That gets your attention doesn’t it? Or maybe you think this is some kind of Scam Letter about my husband who died and was the head of a Royal Bank of OZ and has left you a million dollars, hmm?

No. This is for real. When you build a list and have prospects who know, like and trust you and you are using a Top of the Industry Auto-Responder to communicate with that list, you need something to sell them.

Maybe you already have something. Digital Products or maybe super healthy coffee, or maybe weight loss products. Maybe. But how about having just about everything to sell?

I am, and have been an affiliate marketer with SFI since 2012. I have been Paid every single month. It is a great program. Here is what you can offer. Every prospect you engage results in commissions for life. No matter what they buy, no matter from whom.

  1. Regular real products from the TripleClicks Store. Vitamins to TVs, Tablets, Thai Food to Toilet Paper. Almost any real product you can imagine.
  2. You can earn on Auctions (Astro Auctions).
  3. You earn on Gamers (Eager Zebra Games).
  4. You earn whenever your prospect buys from 1000’s of affiliated Websites (RECA).
  5. You earn when your prospect buys from 1000s of affiliated Brick and Mortar businesses (Localvantia).
  6. You earn when your prospect uses any of 100s of affiliated independent service providers (Flexxity).
  7. You earn when your prospect joins a Community Website for and by e-commerce entrepreneurs (Ecommergy)

Virtually every activity in that list creates reward points called Rewardicals (Radical Rewards). On every activity Rewardical Tokens (RTs) are given to both the prospect and the sponsor of that prospect. That would be you. These RTs are a reward, not a commission. You receive regular cash commissions on every transaction. But you will also receive loyalty rewards.

To date SFI has given away 934,463,632 RTs of which I currently have 100,882 tokens. But of which I have earned over the past 3 years more than 2,000,000 tokens. When exchanged for cash, 690 RTs is currently $1.00. You do the math.

Image Dated April 10 2021. Today there are more.

RTs can be exchanged for many things including Cash, Products, Affiliates in your downline, Bitcoin, and much more. They even have a tutorial video that shows you how to redeem them.

So add SFI to you Affiliate Marketing efforts and promote about any product or service for Cash commissions and get your share of the of those 900 million tokens. I have.

Affiliate Marketing

Choosing an Auto Responder

Why I chose TrafficWave

George McBride
I Love TrafficWave

Why? Because I think BIG.

I did not “try it out”. I did my research and that research narrowed down my choices significantly. Here was my Criteria:

  1. Growth Potential. I planned on building a Big List over time
  2. Running multiple campaigns
  3. HTML editor easy to use and built in
  4. Personalization
  5. Customized templates
  6. Scheduled Broadcasts
  7. List Segregation
  8. Tracking of Click Throughs and Open Rates
  9. Ability to select and re-mail to subscribers whose email went unopened.

My list is currently over 5000 Subscribers. I have over 50 Campaigns running simultaneously. I mail 1000s of emails a day. I can track each and every open. I view statistics from the perspective of the email sent or from the subscriber perspective. Consequently I know what my subscribers want, and I know what emails they will open. This is a winning combination.

Now the bottom line. Which provider gives me all that at the best possible price without compromising services? TrafficWave.

Pricing Based on my current List:

  1. Trafficwave $17.95 a month
  2. Getresponse $79.00 a month (has limitations)
  3. Aweber $69.00 a month
  4. Convertkit $59.00 a month

For this data I went to each program. But check TrafficWaves price comparison page for yourself:
TrafficWave Pricing

Now I think all these services give you a free point of entry. But what would have happened if I picked the wrong one, and my list was where it is today. I would have been paying the prices above. Or I would have had to change providers – a Real Pain.

Better to just start with the right one. I chose based on where I wanted to be not where I was starting.

The easiest way to Boost your Income

You need an email list to effectively build a reliable and consistent online business.

If you are a sole affiliate marketer you need to be branding yourself so people will buy from you.

If you have an affiliate sales team you need to be training your affiliates and providing them with sales tools, email swipes, graphics, online ad training and more.

If you have a sales website where you retail your own products you need to consistently engage your customer and be building a prospect list.

Every business has a customer list and a prospect list. These are the two most valuable assets of any business. Look at TrafficWave’s Case Studies tab to find out why your business should be using TrafficWave.

Affiliate Marketing

How Much Can You Earn as a TrafficWave Affiliate

Earn As A TrafficWave Affiliate

If you are wondering how much you can earn as a TrafficWave Affiliate, this article is for you.

Before we go any further, it is important that you understand that this article is specifically written for those Affiliates who want to create solid profitable residual income. If you are one of those waiting for your “team leader” to give you spillover, you should not expect to realize significant income levels. If you are a builder and you understand the value of hard work and consistent effort, you will want to see what is available to you as you begin to earn as a TrafficWave Affiliate.

Your first and primary goal is, of course, to use these powerful tools to build your lists, follow up with your prospects, and drive sales for your business.

As you are using these tools to build your lists and drive sales in your primary business, you can create a campaign dedicated to showing others how to use these tools to build their lists, follow up with their prospects, and drive sales for their business.

Network marketers and Affiliate marketers can do very well with this approach. For $17.95 per month, you have access to powerful email marketing autoresponders that you can use to build your primary business and create additional income by showing your downline how to do the same thing. Customers pay no extra fees to become Affiliates.

So, have you really looked at what is available through the TrafficWave Affiliate Plan?

There are 4 ways for you to earn as a TrafficWave Affiliate and will go over them with you, now:

FIRST: Fast Track Bonuses This is a commission we pay you for bringing us a new Active referral. An Active referral is someone who has paid for their account. If they register as a Free Trial User, there is no sales volume to pay commissions on. Once they upgrade, or if they join as a paid member, the Fast Track Bonus is 100% of the sales volume. There Is No Limit To The Amount Of Money You Can Earn in Fast Track Bonuses! We have seen those who earn a Fast Track Bonus for $17.95 based on one active new sale and we have seen those who earn thousands of dollars in Fast Track Bonuses based on bringing many new active sales.

Example: Refer just 1 new active sale and receive a $17.95 Fast Track Bonus.

Refer 10 new active sales and receive $179.50 in Fast Track Bonuses.

Refer 100 new active sales and receive $1,795.00 in Fast Track Bonuses.

Refer 1,000 new active sales and received $17,950.00 in Fast Track Bonuses.

SECOND: Monthly Residual Income Each month that your referrals pay their monthly subscription of $17.95, you are paid a residual income as detailed in our Affiliate Plan page. This particular part of the plan does cap out at over $80,000 per month.

THIRD: Leadership Bonuses Zig Ziglar is quoted as saying, “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.” Our Leadership Bonus rewards you for helping your referrals succeed. As you progress through the ranks, you can begin earning 25% or 50% of the Monthly Regular Commissions earned by your personally referred Affiliates. There is no limit to what you can earn in Leadership Bonuses. The more Affiliates you refer and help build, the higher your bonus can go.FOURTH: Guaranteed Traffic Sales When you refer customers to your Guaranteed Visitors URL, you earn 10% on every sale you refer. There is no limit to the amount you can earn through this system.As you can see, not only is it possible for you to earn as a TrafficWave Affiliate, but it is possible … for those willing to put in the work …. to build a considerable long-term residual income with no limits.

More Tips:

7 Day email Marketing Course Free