Email Marketing

7 Essentials to Email Marketing with an AutoResponder

1) Be sure to add subscription forms to your Websites or Blogs. This helps you capture valuable information from site visitors that otherwise might leave your site without taking the desired action.

2) Offer something of value to your subscribers in exchange for them giving you their contact information. This can be a free report, a free download, a coupon, or discount.

3) Backup your subscriber lists regularly. The last thing you need is to lose your list of prospects! This list is your gold mine. Protect it.

4) Personalize your messages by inserting your prospects’ name, email, and other relevant information you have collected from them.

5) Target your email marketing list even further by collecting more detailed information such as their phone number, address, etc. Add custom fields to your subscription forms to fine-tune your targeting even further.

6) Focus your advertising on directing prospects to your capture pages or your website that has a subscription form. By focusing on lead generation, you can then follow up with your prospect lists over and over again. This will dramatically increase your success rate.

7) Manage your prospects responsibly. By sending relevant offers and building credibility with your subscribers, you can reasonably expect your subscribers to stay with you longer. Some of my sales have come from subscribers that had been receiving my messages for more than two years!

Email Marketing

How To Consistently Generate Online Sales

If you are serious about making money online, it is critical that you learn how to consistently generate online sales. Email marketing has been a critical step in that process for affiliate marketersnetwork marketersdevelopersrestaurants, and more for many years. In this article, I plan to show you exactly how I do it using email marketing autoresponders right here within TrafficWave.

The reason I know this works is because I have been personally using this system since about 2010. Back then, people would tell me it wouldn’t work. Today, people are telling me it won’t work. And, I am still using these tools to constantly generate new leads and consistently generate online sales in a variety of industries.

When you look at things with your business eye, it is very evident that email marketing works. Tell me if any of this seems familiar to you:

Have you ever bought concert tickets from a company or band that emailed you about the upcoming show?

Have you ever gone to a restaurant because of an email notification you received about a discount or special offer?

Have you ever visited a web site or blog by clicking a link that you got in your email?

Have you ever booked a trip or vacation in response to an email notice you received?

Have you ever made a business decision based on information you got from an email list you subscribed to?

These are all examples of email marketing in action. Businesses around the world are using email marketing to consistently generate online sales because it works, it’s cost effective, and it’s just easy to do.

No matter what industry I have worked in, the basic process has been the same:

Step 1: I create a series of followup messages that are specifically written to build the know, like, and trust factor. I want my readers to feel like they know me and can trust me. Why? When they are ready to buy, they are more likely to buy from someone they know, like, and trust.

Step 2: I create a hosted capture page and/or installed form code on my web site. Why? When someone visits my site or capture page, I want to be able to give them important information about how I can help them solve a problem. When they fill out the form, they are added to my contact list and my autoresponder begins sending out the letters I wrote in Step 1.

Step 3: I begin driving traffic to my capture page or website. Why? If nobody knows about my offer, they can’t order. So, it just makes sense that I promote the offer. I use paid advertising, free advertising, social media channels, youtube, link exchanges, etc… People that are interested in my ads and posts click through to learn more. When they click, they are taken to a capture page or an article that includes a capture form where they can request more information if they want to learn more.

I’ve used this system profitably to sell all sorts of products and service ranging from thai coffee to yoga mats to computer services, entertainment, and yes … even my email marketing autoresponder right here at TrafficWave.

This is how I know it works: Experience. Use these same steps for your own projects to generate leads and consistently generate online sales.

Email Marketing Tips

Email Marketing

AutoResponder Letters: Create Powerful Letters that Get Results

Email Marketing AutoResponder letters are powerful tools. Successful online marketers use them to automate repetitive sales tasks, build and manage multiple prospect lists, and send out regular articles, updates, and announcements.

More than providing an automated response to an inquiry, AutoResponders can be your own automated sales force working online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Used properly, AutoResponder letters can automate the process of building your lists, following up with your prospects, and helping you close more sales.

Let’s look at how someone might use AutoResponder letters to help build a list of targeted prospects.

The first step is to create 5 to 7 messages about your offer and add them to your AutoResponder Campaign.

Before you get started writing letters, you need to ask yourself a very critical question: “What problem am I solving?” This doesn’t have to be a big involved answer but you do need an answer.

The big mistake I see people make is that they start with asking, “How do I get more sales?” or “How do I get more leads?”. Of course you want more lead and more sales. These will come IF you learn to ask the right questions of your readers. The question you absolutely MUST ask yourself is, “What problem am I solving?” or “What problem can I help people solve?”.

When you figure out how to solve a problem for someone, and you can show them how to solve it, you will want to focus all of your writing (for your capture pages and your letters) on letting folks know how you can solve that problem for them. Don’t forget to use lead magnets to entice visitors to fill out your form.

As a result, you will generate more leads and convert those leads in to customers. Always ask how you can help your prospects solve a problem. Then show them how to solve the problem.

So let’s get in to creating your AutoResponder letters. These are the letters your AutoResponder will send once someone subscribes to your list by filling out your capture form.

These messages can be set to go out every 2 days.. With 7 messages, your prospects would receive your autoresponder letters over a 2 week period.

Here is a simple guideline you can use to create your own autoresponder letters:

Message 1: Sent Out Immediately.

In this message you would thank them for requesting your information. Give them a brief history about yourself to build some credibility. They need to know you are qualified to share the information with them. Then give them an overview of the information you are offering.

Be sure to include a link to your web site so they can get further details, place an order, or contact you for more information.

It’s also a good idea to include your name and email address. Include a phone number if you want prospects to call you.

Message 2: Sent Out 2 Days Later.

In this message, you may want to give them a brief reminder of what you covered in your first message and focus on the benefits of your offer. What’s in it for them? How is your product, service, or opportunity different from others? Use this message to let them know.

And be sure to invite them to your web site, include the link to your site, and include your name and email address so they can contact you.

Message 3: Sent Out 2 Days Later.

This might be a good place to include some testimonials from your company or a little more of your own personal story. If you are new and haven’t quite created your own story yet, share success stories and testimonials from others that have used your products or services. Give an overview of how people are using your product or service. If you are promoting an affiliate plan, explain how others are building their income with your plan.

And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you.

Message 4: Sent Out 2 Days Later.

In this message, pick one feature in particular to focus on. Maybe it’s about how your offer can help them save money, be more productive, lose weight, make money, etc…

Remind them that you are available to answer questions and provide support.

And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you.

Message 5: Sent Out 2 Days Later.

Use this message to be a little more personal. Let your prospects know that you are available to help them in any way you can. This message could be used to simply thank them again for requesting your information and assuring them that you are a real human being and interested in helping them succeed.

And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you.

Message 6: Sent Out 2 Days Later.

Use this message to stress another set of features from your offer. Share a few more testimonials from others or from your own experiences with your product, service, or opportunity.

Briefly review some of the details you have shared from previous letters.

And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you.

Message 7: Sent Out 2 Days Later.

This message can be used to ask for some feedback from your prospects. Tell them you have enjoyed sending the information and you hope it was helpful to them. Ask them if they have any concerns or what might be preventing them from making the decision to purchase from you or join with you.

Sometimes, you will get some good feedback from folks. They may share some concerns they have or tell you why they feel your offer may not be for them at this time.

Thank them for agreeing to receive your information and let them know you are still available to answer any questions they may have.

And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you.

Now That Your Letters Are Created And Ready To Go:

Once the letters are loaded in to your AutoResponder Campaign, your next step is to begin getting prospects for your AutoResponder to follow up with.

The idea here is to begin advertising to attract prospects to your offer. Give people a compelling reason to request your information. This is where you want to start thinking like your prospects. You are asking them for at least a name and email address. What are you giving them in return?

Maybe your information shows them how to start and profit from their own home based business. Maybe you are offering tips on how to better protect their identity. Maybe you are offering weight loss tips or nutritional information. Maybe you are offering information on how to promote a web site.

Since I sell AutoResponders, I offer prospects free information to show them how AutoResponders can help boost their online sales.

I have added a subscription form to my web sites.

I use lead capture pages.

I include my email subscription address in my ads.

I include my email subscription address and/or my URL in discussion forum posts.

Then I focus all of my advertising on my lead capture pages so that people will request more information from me. I don’t try to sell them up front. I want to capture their information first. THEN I will focus on following up to close the sale.

As people request your information by filling out your subscription forms or emailing your AutoResponder, their information is captured in your database.

Now your AutoResponder goes to work sending out your autoresponder letters.

For the next two weeks, your prospects will be receiving your sales letters. You don’t have to remember to send them out. You don’t have to remember which prospect has received which letter. Your AutoResponder is working for you behind the scenes.

Now your focus should be on three things:

  1. Continuing to advertise to get more prospects in to your AutoResponder
  2. Using the feedback you get from prospects to adjust your letters.
  3. Segmenting and following up with your subscribers.

You may need to make a few changes. Maybe you see a recurring question from prospects. That recurring question is letting you know that you may need to cover that information a little better or more in depth.

This is just a simple guideline you can use to create your own follow-up messages for your AutoResponder. You may use more letters or less. The average for successful marketers seems to be in the 5 to 9 range.

Notice that each letter ended with a “call to action” where you invite the prospect to your web site or to contact you for more information.

This “call to action” is a critical element to the success of your messages. You must let prospects know what to do next and how to do it.

Ready to take your email marketing to the next level? Click here to find out how to get your emails delivered and opened.

Still looking for a good autoresponder service? Check out our free autoresponder trial.

Check More Email Marketing Tips

Email Marketing

Email Marketing Cost Benefit Analysis

Have you ever run an email marketing cost benefit analysis? It may help you better understand how powerful and valuable email marketing can be for your business. When looking at spending any money on a marketing campaign, it makes sense to do your research.

Let’s start by taking a look at the published ROI (Return On Investment) numbers for various digital marketing channels:

email marketing cost benefit analysis

This graphic shows us that most digital marketing channels can be profitable.
(More detailed stats available at DMA.)

When running your email marketing cost benefit analysis, the big question is: “What sort of return should I expect for my email marketing dollar?” All other aspects being the same, any business is going to prefer a $40 return on a $1 email marketing spend. This doesn’t make the other digital marketing channels a bad choice. In fact, we use a wide variety of digital marketing. Each of those channels points to our email marketing and lead generation funnels.

How do you do the cost benefit analysis for your business?

The basic idea is to calculate the value of bringing on a new sale and the value of getting repeat business from existing customers.

As an example, if you can generate $100 profit on a new sale and it costs you $100 in advertising and support to generate that new sale, you broke even on that sale. If you spent $50, you have an ROI of 100%.

If that same customer can be expected to generate repeat sales or referrals, then your ROI is even better.

When talking to new prospects about, and they see that we offer a Free 30 Day Trial, they quickly realize that any new sales means an incredibly profitable ROI. We have customers reporting an ROI on their email marketing campaigns well over 1,000%.

The key for doing your own email marketing cost benefit analysis is to calculate the profit you can expect from the average new sale. This will vary based on your business model, your profit margins, how well you upsell, whether you can expect referrals or repeat business, etc…

Then deduct the cost of your email marketing campaign with at $17.95 per month. How many sales does your business need to see in order to generate a profit from your $17.95 monthly email marketing spend?

Here is a simple example:

Joe Marketer sells a product online for $49.00.
His profit on each sale is $25.00.
After deducting $17.95 (the cost of his TrafficWave account), his profit is $7.05 on that first sale.
($25.00 – $17.95 = $7.05)

Each additional sale that month increases his profit margin as he is now clearing  $25.00 for each sale after the first sale.

If Joe makes 10 sales in the month, his profit is $232.05 ($250.00 – $17.95 = $232.05)!

(Your own results will vary based on your costs, profit margins, etc… )

When you break down the email marketing cost benefit analysis like this, it’s easy to see why so many businesses are excited about using email marketing to generate leads, follow up, and drive sales!

Email Marketing Tips

Email Marketing

If your Business Is not Generating Cash on Demand, you’re doing something wrong.

In your business you should be able to Generate Sales whenever you decide to do so.

Build Your List

Depending on your business model you may do it differently.

One might send an email to their customer List about a special for their VIP customers.

Another with a popular website might make an unbeatable coupon offer.

And a Social Media Influencer might offer a special code for a specific product purchase.

One thing they all have in common is a captive Audience, a List, A Customer List, a Prospect List, a Membership List.

There it is again, the List. You need a List.

No business survives, online or offline without building a specific list of customers and prospects.

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Email Marketing

Email Marketing In Bad Times

George McBride
I Love TrafficWave

Is email marketing in bad times a good idea? I think so. Let me talk about why.

During economic down turns, many companies will pull back on their marketing budgets. This means less competition with other advertisers, which leads to more opportunities for your business.

Fear also creates some of your best opportunities in marketing. If your product, service, or opportunity can help alleviate some fear or pain or loss for your readers, a down turn in the financial climate may be your golden opportunity in disguise.

email marketing in bad times

So this is a great time to dust off some of your email marketing and autoresponder letters.

Email Marketing has proven to be an inexpensive method for reaching customers. By analyzing your previous successes (and even your past failures) you can breath some new life in to your sales by effectively using email marketing in bad times.

Here are some tips you can use to boost email marketing effectiveness:

Review your past statistics including click-throughs and open rates.

If your stats show positive results, rebroadcast that offer (if it’s still relevant).

If your stats for a particular offer are weak, revamp the message by reworking the subject line, the copy, and/or the call to action. More Copy Writing Ideas!!!

Look for previously missed opportunities. Perhaps your message can be revamped to capitalize on current events.

Once you are done revamping your letters, Recycle subscribers that have previously finished receiving your autoresponder letters. That way they will be reminded without getting the exact same email.

Review your lead capture pages to see if you can improve your subscription rates.

Be sure your messages are personalized by merging contact information in to the subject lines and message body.

Review your current email marketing messages to see if they can be broken up into articles and submitted to article directories or blogs.

By periodically reviewing past performance of your email marketing campaigns, you can often spot opportunities for improvements which can lead to increased revenues.

The best part is that your only investment in this strategy is a bit of time and mental focus.

I highly recommend connecting with me on your favorite social media sites to stay updated and informed.

Find me on Facebook:


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Request our free report to receive more details on how you can use email marketing to build your lists and grow your business. Click Here

Email Marketing

One thing You Must Do

Do you Have a List?

There is no advice about making money online that is more valuable than what I am about to share with you.


I used the word MUST on purpose. I didn’t say that you “should” build an email list. I said that you MUST build an email list and I mean it.

Every successful marketer I know considers their email list the #1 asset in their business.

I would have failed in my business if I didn’t start building an email list back in 2011. My email list has saved my business more times that I can possibly count.

There is nothing more powerful than having a group of people who know, like and trust you when it comes to what you do for a living. If people see you as an authority, then they will follow your advice. If people follow your advice, then you can be a great marketer and affiliate.

You cannot build authority between yourself and another human being in a single interaction. Building trust and showing your skills takes time. That is why you MUST have an email list. You need to be communicating with people over and over again to show that you can be trusted and that you know what you are talking about.

Imagine that you are single and at a party. You start talking to a stranger and really hit it off. This person could be “the one”. At the end of the party, you say goodbye and each go your separate ways. You never got the person’s name or their phone number. You never see or hear from them again and have no way to contact them.

Or suppose you know that you might never see them again and so that very first night, you ask them to marry you. what are the chances that they will say “Yes”? As a metter of fact, if they say “Yes” then maybe a few red flags should go up in your head. Watch out.

Why is your business any different?

You do all the work and spend your time and money to get people to visit your website (the Party) and then you don’t even have a compelling way to collect their email address? What a waste. That visitors could be a future partner or your best customer of all time. However, since you didn’t get their email, you will never know.

Or, again, suppose you “pop the question” the “want to join my business” question. Even if the person says yes, which most will not, they probably will not stick around long. 

There is only one way to build a responsive email list. You need to have a compelling offer that your ideal prospect sees as irresistible. If they give you their email address, you will give them something that they simply must have. If you have an offer that is compelling and you send enough visitors who are the right people to see the offer, then you will build your list.

Most beginning marketers try to skip these steps. They are impatient and want to go right to the sale.
Most beginning marketers just do not believe the truth, People don’t buy from strangers.

Successful marketers know that the sale comes after the relationship is built, not before. They have patience and focus on helping people before they ask for the sale.

If you have started building your List that is Great. Keep at it. Be Patient. Consistently offer value to the people on your List.

If you have not started, I have probably never said this, but


Email Marketing

Why Should I Choose TrafficWave?

George McBride
Why I Use TrafficWave

It’s a fair question and I want to show you some of the Reasons I use TrafficWave:

  • Price is definitely a factor. TrafficWave makes it ridiculously easy to choose their service because it is affordable for any business. After your 30 day free trial, if YOU decide to continue using TrafficWave you will be paying about 60 cents a day. That’s $17.95 per month to build unlimited lists to start driving sales. The Price never changes. One Price all the features. You have seen other systems, Incremental increases in price and services. TrafficWave you get it all for one affordable price.
  • Build unlimited lists. If you are wildly successful at list building, your cost doesn’t go up. You can build prospect lists, customer lists, etc… all for just $17.95 per month.
  • Know exactly how your list is responding. You will be able to see how well you are reaching your list by tracking open rates and click-through rates at any time. 
  • Segmentation is of Huge Value. Unlimited Lists and Tracking allow you to build segmented lists, Tag subscribers and deliver to your prospect/customer exactly what he/she wants. This seriously increases your Revenue.
  • Ease of use. Whether you handle your own web design or have a web designer available, you can add subscription forms to your web site in minutes. You can launch capture pages simply or you can use TrafficWave Hosted Capture pages
  • Unlimited support. The TrafficWave staff is never more than a mouse click away. They are here to help you succeed and grow your business with email marketing.

Today I shared a 7 Day email course with several of my fellow TrafficWave users. They can take the course and they can use the course to build their own lists.

I want you to know that I am dedicated to helping you grow your business with email marketing. It is my personal mission to see you use these tools for years to come as you generate your own leads and become a profit pulling, cash-flow creating, sales generating machine.

Your Next Step: Go to and open your free trial account today. Not ready? Go to the link and Review the Case Studies, Features and Pricing. And try it out absolutely free and see just how easy it can be to absolutely explode your sales revenues with TrafficWave AutoResponders.

Email Marketing

How To Generate High Quality Leads

George McBride
Our Life Blood is New Prospects

High quality leads are worth learning to generate. This can set you apart from the competition in a big way. There are a few simple steps you will want to make sure you are handling to generate the best leads you possibly can. This article digs in to how you get that done.

The first step to make sure you get right is targeting your advertising so that you are reaching your target market. For example, if you are selling fishing gear, your ads would most likely do well in publications, blog, and groups targeting fishing enthusiasts. It would make nearly as much sense to spend your time and money advertising on a quilting site.

The ads you run and links you share should direct prospects to a capture page; not a registration page. One of the biggest mistakes I see in advertising is someone linking their ad directly to a registration page. Network marketers typically make the mistake of advertising a page that shows a compensation plan. Instead, make sure your ad links visitors to a page where you can capture their interest so they can fill out a form to learn more.

A high quality lead is someone who specially clicked your ad because they were interested in learning more. Then, they filled out our capture form to request more information.

This is where your next step comes in. Begin building a relationship with your leads. Show them that you understand their challenges and can provide a solution. Someone filling out your form is no guarantee they will buy from you. It is a guarantee that you now have an opportunity to build rapport and add value. The odds of this lead buying from you goes up the more they feel they know, like, and trust you.

When one of your high quality leads emails or calls you with a question, respond quickly so they know you are real and accessible. Some of my biggest deals were closed simply because was the one that followed up with the prospect. This is why I truly believe the fortune is  in the followup!

When you have your own blog or site and you consistently create new targeted content, you are taking big steps to generate high quality leads for your offer. The leads you generate a MUCH better than any leads you buy. It is absolutely worth the time to build your own list of high quality leads and take your business to the next level.

Email Marketing

Using A Blog to Drive Free Web Site Traffic

Can a blog help drive free web site traffic?

George McBride

To start with, you need to understand that every online business needs web site traffic.

I will repeat that: Every online business needs web site traffic to succeed. Why? Like any business, online or offline, you absolutely must have customers if you want your business to grow. If you don’t have people visiting your web site or capture page, you won’t generate leads. Without leads, you won’t have sales. So, let’s talk about how to get more visitors to your offer.

When it comes to traffic, you’ve really got two categories to work in:

Free web site traffic and Paid web site traffic.

This article focuses on how you can use a blog to drive free web site traffic.

Free traffic is, like the name suggests: Free. But there is a price for “free”. What you do not spend in money, you will spend in time. Be prepared to put in some time and effort if you want to benefit from free web site traffic.

For example: If you are using a free traffic exchange, the price you are paying is the time you spend clicking and visiting other sites to earn credits. This is also true of safelists. This does not mean you shouldn’t do it. If you don’t have a budget, these are the ways you can generate traffic. Many projects start out this way. Just know that even free web site traffic has an actual price. As you grow, we recommend putting some of those profits in to paid advertising so that you increase your exposure without costing more time.

Let’s look at how blogging can be a great source for free web site traffic.

Anyone who knows me knows I’m a big fan of blog posts. (You’re reading one, now) Why am I such a big fan? When you have your own blog, you are able to take advantage of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies. If you are not familiar with SEO, think of it as a method of using specific keywords to help a website or blog rank high in the top search engines, such as Google or Bing.

Operating a blog is an easy way for you to create content people WANT to read. When you post consistent (high quality) blog content using SEO keywords, traffic to your blog will increase over time. This is also a solid way to build authority, credibility, and trust.

As you continue to provide valuable content, and people continue to read your posts, you will begin to be seen as an expert or authority in your field.

General Guidelines to follow

  • Focus. Keep your subject matter on a specific topic
  • Be creative. Use headlines that entice people to read
  • Avoid long paragraphs and big words.
  • Include a specific system or formula (2 types, 7 steps…etc.)
  • Provide a call-to-action (CTA)

Be sure to include a capture form somewhere on your blog. As always, offer a lead magnet (free gift) in exchange for people’s email addresses to get more people to subscribe to your autoresponder.

Make sure you use social media share plug-ins on your blog. The more traffic your blog gets, the more social media shares you can get. Media shares can definitely improve your blog’s overall ranking on search engines.

What about blogs run by others?

When you find other blogs related to your industry, make relevant and valuable comments. Popular blogs already have a big following. Participating in the discussions can help increase your exposure to their visitors which can increase your traffic.

Follow these guidelines:

  1. Type popular industry keywords + blog into Google and find the most prominent blogs.
  2. Follow those blogs closely. Subscribe to their RSS feed and newsletter. When you notice posts are made and be one of the first to post a comment. Make sure this comment provides real value.
  3. Include a link to your relevant capture page. This can be included as a sort of signature to the comment.

NOTE: Be careful about linking back to your website. Some blog comment sections frown on this. Check the guidelines. When in doubt, ask.

For more tips on driving free web site traffic and email marketing, request our free report, below.

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