Your best prospects are those in your niche. Problem is they may be very happy right were they are. I am an Affiliate Marketer in SFI. I have been so since 2012. I am very happy “right were I am”.
Who are my best prospects? Other Affiliate Marketers. Why? because they want to do Affiliate Marketing, they have Affiliate Marketing experience, and they have Affiliate Marketing skills.
I am not asking people to leave their company and join mine. What I am doing is targeting people that have joined an Affiliate Marketing business in the past.
As you well know, most people that join an Affiliate Marketing company like SFI end up inactive in less than 6 months, and maybe in one week. The odds are that most people you talk to are not going to be active with a company, hence they are free to join you.

You see to succeed in Affiliate Marketing it takes more than just joining a good company; it also takes having the right recruiting strategies and the right Box of Tools.
So talking to other Affiliate Marketers is a great way to find people that are sold on the industry and want to achieve success as much as you do.
This is where you come in, if you are with a good company and you are able to provide great leadership and support then you are able to help a lot of people to get what they want. And you help enough people get what they want, you will win in the process as well. This is a win-win situation.
Now you will also come across people that are not open to looking at your opportunity. People that are focused and happy with their current program just like you.
These people are not open to looking at anything right now and you want to respect that. You do not need to “sell them” on your business. You do not need them to see why your business as so much better than theirs.
What you want to do is help them succeed at their business. And this is the importance of your Tool Box. This is why you must use your tools, know your tools and be ready to make your tools available to others.
For example, I use TrafficWave another thing I am sure you know well. I met Ken. Ken was busy in his business and had no interest in my business. So I asked him what is your best email marketing tool to connect with new prospects. He said he did not use email that much.
I explained what I was doing and he began using TrafficWave. His list is now over 3000 strong. Then he texted me a question. He needed to do more with TrafficWave. He said if TrafficWave can’t do it he would need to switch to another program.
Well I use TrafficWave extensively. I showed him a few of my promotions and he said, “Wow! Just saw it now. Good stuff! How was this done?” I proceeded to show him exactly how to do it. Then he worked on his promotions and wrote, “Finally I’ve learned how to do it…makes my life a lot easier.”
Now what if I did not use TrafficWave that much? What if I only promoted it hoping to make money? I would make a little bit. But I suspect Affiliates would come and go and real earnings would never be achieved.
Why is Ken still with me in TrafficWave? Because I was able to solve his problem. Leaders Lead. In any industry successful Leaders Lead.
I have other tools, like this blog, my hosting site, my customized splash pages, and more. Each of these would be useful to Ken. Do you think he would want to learn from me? Buy from me? Well he does.
Two things happen for you when you work like this:
- You can make some money if they decide to use the tools you use in their own business… nice. You are getting paid from someone that is not open to looking at your business… that is way cool.
- You get a chance to keep in touch with them. This keeps the door open for you to invite them to try out some of your products or services that you offer. Also if something was to change and they needed to look for a new company then you will be the first place they look at sometime in the future.
It’s all about building relationships and connecting with people. If you recruit people in your niche to your program, and if not your program, to your tool box, you will be building relationships in a big way. Plus with your tool box well filled and well used, you will be giving your team the same opportunity.
Two questions for you,
- Is the company that you are with at this moment the very first company that you have ever joined?
- Is your sponsor in that company/program the very first person that introduced you to Affiliate Marketing?
Please drop your answer, and comments below.
Here is my Guess: NO. I figure here is a 90% chance that is your answer to both questions… What that means is there are lots of good quality motivated people like yourself waiting for you to come into their life.

One last request.
What’s in Your ToolBox? Let me know in the comments below.