Email Marketing

Why You Should Use List Segmentation

List Segmentation Matters in Email Marketing. Most marketers understand and embrace the power of email marketing to generate new leads and drive sales. Even with the explosive growth of social media, email marketing continues to be an incredibly effective marketing tool. 

Even if you have built a massive list, the importance of list segmentation and it’s impact on your profitability should not be overlooked.

For starters, some people may not even be opening your email messages? There could be any number of reasons. Maybe they subscribed hoping to review your information at a later date. People get busy. How do you reach out to those who have not opened an email and get their attention to re-engage them with your content?

That would be a segmentation one group is people who have opened your email, the other those who have not.

Of those who opened your message, some of them (maybe even most of them) do not even click a link. This could be a matter of link placement, your call to action, relevance of your offer, etc… How do you target and re-engage those who never click a link? They open the message, so they are seeing your content. But something isn’t connecting enough so that they click your links. 

What if your email content contains multiple offers or items of interest? How can you tell which of your links is getting the most action?

List Segmentation allows you to identify and target your subscribers based on their actions, in-actions, levels and areas of interest. From there, you can tag your subscribers and customize content directly to them to increase your campaign’s effectiveness.

To learn more about tracking your Open Rates and Click-Through Rates, be sure to review TrafficWave’s Wiki articles and videos that show you just how to do it.

You can also see Link Heat Maps of what links in our email gets the most clicks telling you the most productive placement for your links.

With TrafficWave you can also use tagging features to segment members. This feature too can be reviewed in the Wiki training articles. But Tagging allows you to search on and quickly identify your subscribers into affinity groups.

Real Time Statistics for all AutoResponder Letters

Seeing how your Letters are performing can help identify strengths and weaknesses in your campaign. An overview of your SOC (Send, Open, Clicked)statistics tell you what letters are doing well and which ones may need to be improved for better results.

  • View your Open Rate Percentages
  • View Click Through Percentages
  • Identify and Manage Sub-Groups of Subscribers based on Opened or Clicked Activity

TrafficWave Stats includes a “Link Heat map” of your Letters. Mouse over the links to see which specific links are clicked:

List Segmentation with Tagging

Use this highly flexible Tagging system to mark subscribers based on any criteria you choose, and then manage these subscriber sub-groups easily.

Tagging is a highly effective tool for List Segmentation and Customer Retention Management (CRM), and is now fully functional with our new SOC Statistics gathering.

A couple Tags I use frequently are Never Purchased, First Time Purchase, Monthly Purchase. Then I might provide a special to these groups but it will vary based on their previous activity. Here are three examples of how I might start the email:

“We are having a Holiday Special. We want to attract new customers with this special. Since you have been following us, but have never made a purchase this special is for you…”

or “You have purchased from us before. We would like to see you become a regular customer. So we are offer this special to our First Time buyers. This is for you…”

or “As a regular monthly customer we want to show you our appreciation. This special offer is for you. Thank you for your continued patronage.”

This makes the reader know you are paying attention and you “know” their level of engagement. It increases your returns tremendously.

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