It’s a fair question and I want to show you some of the Reasons I use TrafficWave:
- Price is definitely a factor. TrafficWave makes it ridiculously easy to choose their service because it is affordable for any business. After your 30 day free trial, if YOU decide to continue using TrafficWave you will be paying about 60 cents a day. That’s $17.95 per month to build unlimited lists to start driving sales. The Price never changes. One Price all the features. You have seen other systems, Incremental increases in price and services. TrafficWave you get it all for one affordable price.
- Build unlimited lists. If you are wildly successful at list building, your cost doesn’t go up. You can build prospect lists, customer lists, etc… all for just $17.95 per month.
- Know exactly how your list is responding. You will be able to see how well you are reaching your list by tracking open rates and click-through rates at any time.
- Segmentation is of Huge Value. Unlimited Lists and Tracking allow you to build segmented lists, Tag subscribers and deliver to your prospect/customer exactly what he/she wants. This seriously increases your Revenue.
- Ease of use. Whether you handle your own web design or have a web designer available, you can add subscription forms to your web site in minutes. You can launch capture pages simply or you can use TrafficWave Hosted Capture pages
- Unlimited support. The TrafficWave staff is never more than a mouse click away. They are here to help you succeed and grow your business with email marketing.
Today I shared a 7 Day email course with several of my fellow TrafficWave users. They can take the course and they can use the course to build their own lists.
I want you to know that I am dedicated to helping you grow your business with email marketing. It is my personal mission to see you use these tools for years to come as you generate your own leads and become a profit pulling, cash-flow creating, sales generating machine.
Your Next Step: Go to https://www.trafficwave.net/members/geomc57 and open your free trial account today. Not ready? Go to the link and Review the Case Studies, Features and Pricing. And try it out absolutely free and see just how easy it can be to absolutely explode your sales revenues with TrafficWave AutoResponders.