I have had extensive business experience in SEA teaching at the Chiang Mai University in the computer services department for 9 years. During that time I provided software support and network knowledge to The District Hospitals of Northern Thailand, the passport control authority of Thailand, and the Drug enforcement administration of Thailand
Specialties: Speak Thai, Computer, International Consulting, Medical, Mentoring, Business Development.
Joseph (Jody) Doyle. Internet Marketer/ Sofware Designer at Josephbdoyle.com
Excellent mind and extraordinary web-master. Kind caring gentleman, & happy family man. A man of integrity,intelligence and strong personal morals. A man of the people, for the people, in all aspects of his life. always willing to help his fellow man, and marketing colleges. No task is a difficulty. George George is a master of his trade, sales and marketing his forte, always thinking out-side of the box. Highly recommended, with skills, too numerous to mention.
Vesna Ajder Sales Manager at Anita
I can only say one big thank you for all what I’m learning from you now . We have the ability to learn so much from George – Vesna Ajder Silver Team Leader in SFI
Nelson Burgos Network at NBO
I was a client of George’s. George understand his SFI business and support members in his team. George is very successful in SFI and even support people like me; whom not in his team. His help has help me learn more about the business were in. If you are thinking on joining his team/business he will support you how to earn.
Mijaoui Rachid Prof. d’Allemand //Formateur JKD.//
I was a client of George’s. I learned a lot from George and now I am currently an Executive affiliate of SFI because of his full support and the whole team.
Venugopalan Nair Freelancer
I really appreciate Mr. George’s involvement, encouragement, motivation and continuous help to bring a lazy person like me to SFI platform. I wish him all success in life.
Marlene Z Kaiser Sales and Relationship Specialist
George, has been extremely helpful to me, making it possible for me to finally make money on the internet. He has such a personal but professional manner that draws you into whatever he is doing. He makes an income off of a number of different programs on the web, and is excellent at teaching others to do so also. George is extremely knowledgeable about how to succeed at SFI and other internet marketing programs. He has been a great mentor of mine. I have watched him progress through the ranks at SFI (Strong Future International) and bring many members along with him, including me, who isn’t even in his organization there.
Edouard Aime Tchuenkou CEO at Tea&Fils Trading Coop
I made my first $ online a few day after i meet George who make me believe in the dot”.” I recommend George as mentor, online adviser. I call him the “Special One”
Hariharakalidass Velayutham — Enriching
Yes really he is the best one en richer I highly recommend George McBride for being a brilliant Team Leader. I learned a lot from George and now I am currently an Executive affiliate of SFI because of his full support and the whole team.
Yogendar Dakinedi Information Technology and Services Professional
George is highly experienced and knowledgeable person . He is good at helping others, I strongly recommend in his future endeavor. All the best George !
Morita Binghay Executive Affiliate
I highly recommend George McBride for being a brilliant Team Leader. I learned a lot from George and now I am currently an Executive affiliate of SFI because of his full support and the whole team. I am looking forward to work with George for many years to come.
Orida Yonahat
George is a wonderful person who is ready to help whenever support is needed
Karen Murray
I was a client of George’s. George is always there when you need a helping hand.
Clarabel Martin Senior Software Quality Assurance Analyst
In the short time that I know George, it was evident that he is a leader in his field. He is very relational and a thorough professional. He has tremendous experience and knowledge of Thailand and Asia. He is deeply involved with young people to develop and transform their life skills and values.
Mark High Property Manager at Madison Place Apartments
George is and has been the most influential person in my life. His life and values have not only taught me how to become someone of value, but his life choices have visibly demonstrated those values, enabling me to see and learn from them in action. This has made him an indispensable influence not only in my life but in the lives of so very many people around him. George brings to any people group or situation this same integrity. He is as loyal as anyone I’ve ever known, and more committed to people and their value than to the cultural or business values that will often times surround him. He represents the best that the Navigators has to offer, and reflects the best that the Navigators have to give. If you can get your hands on him, hang on and don’t let go!
Mike Dionne Strategic Accounts at Ragnar Events, LLC
George is a self-motivated person with a very high degree of integrity and sense of ownership. He is able to take responsibility, solicit feedback and input from a team, make the right decisions and then execute on the plan of record. I highly recommend George.
Bob Curley Director Of Engineering And Operations at Nasuni
George McBride is a highly intelligent individual who is gifted with keen insight into the human psyche. His Bible knowledge and manner of application are no less than genius. George couples these gifts with unyielding dedication to those around him. His work in Thailand is his life in the true sense of the phrase. He lives for Christ at every moment, remaining available to “his children in Christ” around the clock. George began his efforts in Thailand with his wife, Pam, and their two young children. Their youngest child, Martha, was born in Thailand. The family continued on in Thailand through their ten year struggle with the cancer that eventually ended Pam’s earthly life. Throughout this devastating battle, the entire family continued to minister to others through their pain. George seems only strengthened for Christ’s battle through the loss of his beloved wife and the daunting challenge of raising his children alone. His success in this endeavor, alone, has proven him a worthy vessel. George has a biblically based value system which governs his every decision and action. Through his impressive leadership skills, he is able to teach others to live in the same manner. George is one of the few people I know who can listen attentively to one’s needs and respond with appropriate and applicable Bible text in an instant. He leads others in a clear, concise and loving manner, teaching them to lead others in the same way. George is gifted at working with both younger people and adults from any culture in virtually any situation. I have no doubt that he will continue his tireless effort of leading others to Christ and teaching them to walk in His ways throughout his entire life. It has become the only way he knows how to live. He has been a vessel through which God has produced abundant fruit in Thailand and beyond. I believe that George has worldwide outreach and leadership potential
Paul Harkey Owner/Broker at Paul Harkey Real Estate
George is a gifted computer expert, but more importantly George is a natural Evangelist and teacher. There have been a number of times that I have sat under his teaching and been Blessed by his depth. A great example of the Holy Spirit working in and through George. George has also demonstrated the Gift of Faith.
Roy Mitchell Management Analyst at US Veterans Administration
George is an insightful, articulate, energetic guy. He is able to communicate new, at times “foreign,” ideas in an understandable manner, but is also very practical in his approach to problem solving. He’s great at networking and has an interpersonal style that people relate to immediately. I doubt he ever meets someone for the first time who doesn’t leave the conversation feeling like they just caught up with an old friend (a lengthy friend, that is, not elderly.) I have worked with veterans for the last 38 years and consider myself a relatively good judge of character. I would follow George into battle, which is about the highest compliment I can pay a man.
John Johnson Global Cloud Solutions Architect – Patent Author
George McBride is one of those rare leaders who leads by example, brings out the best in those who work with him while producing quality results and exceedingly exceptional results. George brings talent, initiative and creative problem solving to any team. His character speaks volumes to those he interacts with, works with and his direct reports. I would recommend George to those who want the best-and-brightest in charge of their project. George not only does great work, he leaves his mark of excellence on those he raises up to carry on for lasting results.
Deanna Stewart Info Spec at IQ Solutions
I have known George for over twenty years, and find him to be honest, and hard working, with high moral standards. I trust him immensely.