Email Marketing

Email Marketing Mondays

Join us for Email Marketing Monday LIVE! with Brian Rooney. This is your opportunity to sit down with TrafficWave CEO, Brian Rooney, and dig in to the power of email marketing for your business.

Imagine stopping by the office to sit down with Co-Founder and CEO, Brian Rooney, to talk about the ins and outs of email marketing with More of a “Meetup” and chat session than a hard core training, this is a great place to feed your vision and become better acquainted with the tools, the company, people using them and the people behind them.

Brian will share his own experiences with email marketing, share his tips, and answer any questions you may have. And if you think he is the only one with ideas and input wait until you meet some of the people using TrafficWave with great success.

Brian endorsed my work asking me to communicate and share what I was doing to achieve success. That significantly boosted my business. (Monday Marketing May 3rd)

Join us for our next live session this coming Monday! (Tuesday Thai Time, Haha).

If you are not in the Central Time Zone (USA) use this to see what time it is in your town. World Clock Meeting Planner

When you open that link you should see Houston as Location 1. Add a big city near you as Location 2 then scroll down and click Show Time Table. Find 7 AM in Houston and see what time that is in your place.

The best part is I get Paid to use this tool. The Affiliate program quickly makes the tool itself Very Profitable to use.

Topic: Email Marketing Monday, 7PM Central
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 2550 6793
Passcode: 428970

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