Buy a treadmill, and watch it collect dust and you will not get in Shape.
To get in shape you MUST use the Treadmill.
Your business is no different. You must learn the tools and use the tools to make money online. Buying the tools, joining a business, and getting signed up is not enough. You must learn how to make money online.
My number one tool is TrafficWave, but it is no different than my treadmill. Buy it but fail to set up the Campaigns, fail to drive traffic to your capture pages, fail to provide your subscribers with value, and you will not grow your business.
I am working so TrafficWave is working for me. And in Marketing Monday you will see Brian Rooney showcase my work. I suggest you watch the entire video, but if you do not roll to the 8 min mark, and you will see my work showcased.
Here is the Video starting at the 7 minute, 50 seconds Mark.
Need help let me know. I am using TrafficWave with great success.
Hanging your Laundry on your Treadmill is not “using it”, you still will not loose weight…